Module java.desktop

Class PagesPerMinuteColor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Attribute, PrintServiceAttribute

public final class PagesPerMinuteColor extends IntegerSyntax implements PrintServiceAttribute
Class PagesPerMinuteColor is an integer valued printing attribute that indicates the nominal number of pages per minute to the nearest whole number which may be generated by this printer when printing color (e.g., simplex, color). For purposes of this attribute, "color" means the same as for the ColorSupported attribute, namely, the device is capable of any type of color printing at all, including highlight color as well as full process color. This attribute is informative, not a service guarantee. Generally, it is the value used in the marketing literature to describe the color capabilities of this device. A value of 0 indicates a device that takes more than two minutes to process a page. If a color device has several color modes, it may use the pages-per- minute value for this attribute that corresponds to the mode that produces the highest number.

A black and white only printer must not include the PagesPerMinuteColor attribute in its attribute set or service registration. If this attribute is present, then the ColorSupported printer description attribute must also be present and have a value of SUPPORTED.

IPP Compatibility: The integer value gives the IPP integer value. The category name returned by getName() gives the IPP attribute name.

See Also: