Module java.base
Package javax.crypto

Class KeyAgreementSpi


public abstract class KeyAgreementSpi extends Object
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the KeyAgreement class. All the abstract methods in this class must be implemented by each cryptographic service provider who wishes to supply the implementation of a particular key agreement algorithm.

The keys involved in establishing a shared secret are created by one of the key generators (KeyPairGenerator or KeyGenerator), a KeyFactory, or as a result from an intermediate phase of the key agreement protocol (engineDoPhase).

For each of the correspondents in the key exchange, engineDoPhase needs to be called. For example, if the key exchange is with one other party, engineDoPhase needs to be called once, with the lastPhase flag set to true. If the key exchange is with two other parties, engineDoPhase needs to be called twice, the first time setting the lastPhase flag to false, and the second time setting it to true. There may be any number of parties involved in a key exchange.

See Also: