Module java.base

Class Exchanger<V>

Type Parameters:
V - The type of objects that may be exchanged

public class Exchanger<V> extends Object
A synchronization point at which threads can pair and swap elements within pairs. Each thread presents some object on entry to the exchange method, matches with a partner thread, and receives its partner's object on return. An Exchanger may be viewed as a bidirectional form of a SynchronousQueue. Exchangers may be useful in applications such as genetic algorithms and pipeline designs.

Sample Usage: Here are the highlights of a class that uses an Exchanger to swap buffers between threads so that the thread filling the buffer gets a freshly emptied one when it needs it, handing off the filled one to the thread emptying the buffer.

 class FillAndEmpty {
   Exchanger<DataBuffer> exchanger = new Exchanger<>();
   DataBuffer initialEmptyBuffer = ...; // a made-up type
   DataBuffer initialFullBuffer = ...;

   class FillingLoop implements Runnable {
     public void run() {
       DataBuffer currentBuffer = initialEmptyBuffer;
       try {
         while (currentBuffer != null) {
           if (currentBuffer.isFull())
             currentBuffer =;
       } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ... handle ...}

   class EmptyingLoop implements Runnable {
     public void run() {
       DataBuffer currentBuffer = initialFullBuffer;
       try {
         while (currentBuffer != null) {
           if (currentBuffer.isEmpty())
             currentBuffer =;
       } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ... handle ...}

   void start() {
     new Thread(new FillingLoop()).start();
     new Thread(new EmptyingLoop()).start();

Memory consistency effects: For each pair of threads that successfully exchange objects via an Exchanger, actions prior to the exchange() in each thread happen-before those subsequent to a return from the corresponding exchange() in the other thread.
