Module java.base

Class SecureRandomSpi

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class SecureRandomSpi extends Object implements Serializable
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the SecureRandom class.

All the abstract methods in this class must be implemented by each service provider who wishes to supply the implementation of a cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generator.

Implementation Requirements:
If the SecureRandomSpi(SecureRandomParameters) constructor is overridden in an implementation, it will always be called whenever a SecureRandom is instantiated. Precisely, if an object is instantiated with one of SecureRandom's getInstance methods without a SecureRandomParameters parameter, the constructor will be called with a null argument and the implementation is responsible for creating its own SecureRandomParameters parameter for use when engineGetParameters() is called. If an object is instantiated with one of SecureRandom's getInstance methods with a SecureRandomParameters argument, the constructor will be called with that argument. The engineGetParameters() method must not return null.

Otherwise, if the SecureRandomSpi(SecureRandomParameters) constructor is not overridden in an implementation, the SecureRandomSpi() constructor must be overridden, and it will be called if an object is instantiated with one of SecureRandom's getInstance methods without a SecureRandomParameters argument. Calling one of SecureRandom's getInstance methods with a SecureRandomParameters argument will never return an instance of this implementation. The engineGetParameters() method must return null.

See SecureRandom for additional details on thread safety. By default, a SecureRandomSpi implementation is considered to be not safe for use by multiple concurrent threads and SecureRandom will synchronize access to each of the applicable engine methods (see SecureRandom for the list of methods). However, if a SecureRandomSpi implementation is thread-safe, the service provider attribute "ThreadSafe" should be set to "true" during its registration, as follows:

 put("SecureRandom.AlgName ThreadSafe", "true");
 putService(new Service(this, "SecureRandom", "AlgName", className,
          null, Map.of("ThreadSafe", "true")));
SecureRandom will call the applicable engine methods without any synchronization.
See Also: