Module java.base

Interface MemoryLayout

All Known Subinterfaces:
AddressLayout, GroupLayout, PaddingLayout, SequenceLayout, StructLayout, UnionLayout, ValueLayout, ValueLayout.OfBoolean, ValueLayout.OfByte, ValueLayout.OfChar, ValueLayout.OfDouble, ValueLayout.OfFloat, ValueLayout.OfInt, ValueLayout.OfLong, ValueLayout.OfShort

public sealed interface MemoryLayout permits SequenceLayout, GroupLayout, PaddingLayout, ValueLayout
A memory layout describes the contents of a memory segment.

There are two leaves in the layout hierarchy, value layouts, which are used to represent values of given size and kind and padding layouts which are used, as the name suggests, to represent a portion of a memory segment whose contents should be ignored, and which are primarily present for alignment reasons. Some common value layout constants, such as ValueLayout.JAVA_INT and ValueLayout.JAVA_FLOAT_UNALIGNED are defined in the ValueLayout class. A special kind of value layout, namely an address layout, is used to model values that denote the address of a region of memory.

More complex layouts can be derived from simpler ones: a sequence layout denotes a homogeneous repetition of zero or more occurrences of an element layout; a group layout denotes a heterogeneous aggregation of zero or more member layouts. Group layouts come in two flavors: struct layouts, where member layouts are laid out one after the other, and union layouts where member layouts are laid out at the same starting offset.

Layouts can be optionally associated with a name. A layout name can be referred to when constructing layout paths.

Consider the following struct declaration in C:

typedef struct {
    char kind;
    int value;
} TaggedValues[5];
The above declaration can be modeled using a layout object, as follows:
SequenceLayout TAGGED_VALUES = MemoryLayout.sequenceLayout(5,

Characteristics of memory layouts

All layouts have a size (expressed in bytes), which is defined as follows:
  • The size of a value layout is determined by the ValueLayout.carrier() associated with the value layout. That is, the constant ValueLayout.JAVA_INT has carrier int, and size of 4 bytes;
  • The size of an address layout is platform-dependent. That is, the constant ValueLayout.ADDRESS has a size of 8 bytes on a 64-bit platform;
  • The size of a padding layout is always provided explicitly, on construction;
  • The size of a sequence layout whose element layout is E and element count is L, is the size of E, multiplied by L;
  • The size of a struct layout with member layouts M1, M2, ... Mn whose sizes are S1, S2, ... Sn, respectively, is S1 + S2 + ... + Sn;
  • The size of a union layout U with member layouts M1, M2, ... Mn whose sizes are S1, S2, ... Sn, respectively, is max(S1, S2, ... Sn).

Furthermore, all layouts have a natural alignment (expressed in bytes) which is defined as follows:

  • The natural alignment of a padding layout is 1;
  • The natural alignment of a value layout whose size is N is N;
  • The natural alignment of a sequence layout whose element layout is E is the alignment of E;
  • The natural alignment of a group layout with member layouts M1, M2, ... Mn whose alignments are A1, A2, ... An, respectively, is max(A1, A2 ... An).
A layout's alignment can be overridden if needed (see withByteAlignment(long)), which can be useful to describe layouts with weaker or stronger alignment constraints.

Layout paths

A layout path is used to unambiguously select a layout that is nested in some other layout. Layout paths are typically expressed as a sequence of one or more path elements. (A more formal definition of layout paths is provided below).

Layout paths can be used to:

  • obtain offsets of arbitrarily nested layouts;
  • obtain a var handle that can be used to access the value corresponding to the selected layout;
  • select an arbitrarily nested layout.

For instance, given the taggedValues sequence layout constructed above, we can obtain the offset, in bytes, of the member layout named value in the first sequence element, as follows:

long valueOffset = TAGGED_VALUES.byteOffset(PathElement.sequenceElement(0),
                                          PathElement.groupElement("value")); // yields 4
Similarly, we can select the member layout named value, as follows:
MemoryLayout value =,

Open path elements

Some layout path elements, said open path elements, can select multiple layouts at once. For instance, the open path elements MemoryLayout.PathElement.sequenceElement(), MemoryLayout.PathElement.sequenceElement(long, long) select an unspecified element in a sequence layout. A var handle derived from a layout path containing one or more open path element features additional coordinates of type long, which can be used by clients to bind the open elements in the path:
VarHandle valueHandle = TAGGED_VALUES.varHandle(PathElement.sequenceElement(),
MemorySegment taggedValues = ...
// reads the "value" field of the third struct in the array (taggedValues[2].value)
int val = (int) valueHandle.get(taggedValues,
        0L,  // base offset
        2L); // sequence index

Open path elements also affect the creation of offset-computing method handles. Each open path element becomes an additional long parameter in the obtained method handle. This parameter can be used to specify the index of the sequence element whose offset is to be computed:

MethodHandle offsetHandle = TAGGED_VALUES.byteOffsetHandle(PathElement.sequenceElement(),
long offset1 = (long) offsetHandle.invokeExact(0L, 1L); // 0 + (1 * 8) = 8
long offset2 = (long) offsetHandle.invokeExact(0L, 2L); // 0 + (2 * 8) = 16

Dereference path elements

A special kind of path element, called dereference path element, allows var handles obtained from memory layouts to follow pointers. Consider the following layout:
StructLayout RECTANGLE = MemoryLayout.structLayout(
This layout is a struct layout describing a rectangle. It contains a single field, namely points, an address layout whose target layout is a sequence layout of four struct layouts. Each struct layout describes a two-dimensional point, and is defined as a pair or ValueLayout.JAVA_INT coordinates, with names x and y, respectively.

With dereference path elements, we can obtain a var handle that accesses the y coordinate of one of the point in the rectangle, as follows:

VarHandle rectPointYs = RECTANGLE.varHandle(

MemorySegment rect = ...
// dereferences the third point struct in the "points" array, and reads its "y" coordinate (rect.points[2]->y)
int rect_y_2 = (int) rectPointYs.get(rect,
    0L,  // base offset
    2L); // sequence index

Layout path well-formedness

A layout path is applied to a layout C_0, also called the initial layout. Each path element in a layout path can be thought of as a function that updates the current layout C_i-1 to some other layout C_i. That is, for each path element E1, E2, ... En, in a layout path P, we compute C_i = f_i(C_i-1), where f_i is the selection function associated with the path element under consideration, denoted as E_i. The final layout C_i is also called the selected layout.

A layout path P is considered well-formed for an initial layout C_0 if all its path elements E1, E2, ... En are well-formed for their corresponding input layouts C_0, C_1, ... C_n-1. A path element E is considered well-formed for a layout L if any of the following is true:

Any attempt to provide a layout path P that is not well-formed for an initial layout C_0 will result in an IllegalArgumentException.

Access mode restrictions

A var handle returned by varHandle(PathElement...) or ValueLayout.varHandle() features certain access characteristics, which are derived from the selected layout L:
  • A carrier type T, derived from L.carrier()
  • An alignment constraint A, derived from L.byteAlignment()
  • An access size S, derived from L.byteSize()
Depending on the above characteristics, the returned var handle might feature certain access mode restrictions. We say that a var handle is aligned if its alignment constraint A is compatible with the access size S, that is if A >= S. An aligned var handle is guaranteed to support the following access modes:
  • read write access modes for all T. On 32-bit platforms, access modes get and set for long, double and MemorySegment are supported but might lead to word tearing, as described in Section 17.7. of The Java Language Specification.
  • atomic update access modes for int, long, float, double and MemorySegment. (Future major platform releases of the JDK may support additional types for certain currently unsupported access modes.)
  • numeric atomic update access modes for int, long and MemorySegment. (Future major platform releases of the JDK may support additional numeric types for certain currently unsupported access modes.)
  • bitwise atomic update access modes for int, long and MemorySegment. (Future major platform releases of the JDK may support additional numeric types for certain currently unsupported access modes.)
If T is float, double or MemorySegment then atomic update access modes compare values using their bitwise representation (see Float.floatToRawIntBits(float), Double.doubleToRawLongBits(double) and MemorySegment.address(), respectively).

Alternatively, a var handle is unaligned if its alignment constraint A is incompatible with the access size S, that is, if A < S. An unaligned var handle only supports the get and set access modes. All other access modes will result in UnsupportedOperationException being thrown. Moreover, while supported, access modes get and set might lead to word tearing.

Working with variable-length arrays

We have seen how sequence layouts are used to describe the contents of an array whose size is known statically. There are cases, however, where the array size is only known dynamically. We call such arrays variable-length arrays. There are two common kinds of variable-length arrays:
  • a toplevel variable-length array whose size depends on the value of some unrelated variable, or parameter;
  • an variable-length array nested in a struct, whose size depends on the value of some other field in the enclosing struct.
While variable-length arrays cannot be modeled directly using sequence layouts, clients can still enjoy structured access to elements of variable-length arrays using var handles as demonstrated in the following sections.

Toplevel variable-length arrays

Consider the following struct declaration in C:
typedef struct {
    int x;
    int y;
} Point;
In the above code, a point is modeled as two coordinates (x and y respectively). Now consider the following snippet of C code:
int size = ...
Point *points = (Point*)malloc(sizeof(Point) * size);
for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
   ... points[i].x ...
Here, we allocate an array of points (points). Crucially, the size of the array is dynamically bound to the value of the size variable. Inside the loop, the x coordinate of all the points in the array is accessed.

To model this code in Java, let's start by defining a layout for the Point struct, as follows:

StructLayout POINT = MemoryLayout.structLayout(
Since we know we need to create and access an array of points, it would be tempting to create a sequence layout modelling the variable-length array, and then derive the necessary access var handles from the sequence layout. But this approach is problematic, as the size of the variable-length array is not known. Instead, a var handle that provides structured access to the elements of a variable-length array can be obtained directly from the layout describing the array elements (e.g. the point layout), as demonstrated below:
VarHandle POINT_ARR_X = POINT.arrayElementVarHandle(PathElement.groupElement("x"));

int size = ...
MemorySegment points = ...
for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
    ... POINT_ARR_X.get(segment, 0L, (long)i) ...
Here, the coordinate x of subsequent point in the array is accessed using the POINT_ARR_X var handle, which is obtained using the arrayElementVarHandle(PathElement...) method. This var handle features two long coordinates: the first is a base offset (set to 0L), while the second is a logical index that can be used to stride over all the elements of the point array.

The base offset coordinate allows clients to express complex access operations, by injecting additional offset computation into the var handle (we will see an example of that below). In cases where the base offset is constant (as in the previous example) clients can, if desired, drop the base offset parameter and make the access expression simpler. This is achieved using the MethodHandles.insertCoordinates(VarHandle, int, Object...) var handle adapter.

Nested variable-length arrays

Consider the following struct declaration in C:
typedef struct {
    int size;
    Point points[];
} Polygon;
In the above code, a polygon is modeled as a size (the number of edges in the polygon) and an array of points (one for each vertex in the polygon). The number of vertices depends on the number of edges in the polygon. As such, the size of the points array is left unspecified in the C declaration, using a Flexible Array Member (a feature standardized in C99).

Again, clients can perform structured access to elements in the nested variable-length array using the arrayElementVarHandle(PathElement...) method, as demonstrated below:

StructLayout POLYGON = MemoryLayout.structLayout(
            MemoryLayout.sequenceLayout(0, POINT).withName("points")

VarHandle POLYGON_SIZE = POLYGON.varHandle(0, PathElement.groupElement("size"));
long POINTS_OFFSET = POLYGON.byteOffset(PathElement.groupElement("points"));
The POLYGON layout contains a sequence layout of size zero. The element layout of the sequence layout is the POINT layout, shown previously. The polygon layout is used to obtain a var handle that provides access to the polygon size, as well as an offset (POINTS_OFFSET) to the start of the variable-length points array.

The x coordinates of all the points in a polygon can then be accessed as follows:

MemorySegment polygon = ...
int size = POLYGON_SIZE.get(polygon, 0L);
for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
    ... POINT_ARR_X.get(polygon, POINTS_OFFSET, (long)i) ...
Here, we first obtain the polygon size, using the POLYGON_SIZE var handle. Then, in a loop, we read the x coordinates of all the points in the polygon. This is done by providing a custom offset (namely, POINTS_OFFSET) to the offset coordinate of the POINT_ARR_X var handle. As before, the loop induction variable i is passed as the index of the POINT_ARR_X var handle, to stride over all the elements of the variable-length array.
Implementation Requirements:
Implementations of this interface are immutable, thread-safe and value-based.
Sealed Class Hierarchy Graph:
Sealed class hierarchy graph for MemoryLayoutSealed class hierarchy graph for MemoryLayout