Represents a built in, or custom, state in Nimbus.
Synth provides several built in states, which are:
- Enabled
- Mouse Over
- Pressed
- Disabled
- Focused
- Selected
- Default
However, there are many more states that could be described in a LookAndFeel, and it would be nice to style components differently based on these different states. For example, a progress bar could be "indeterminate". It would be very convenient to allow this to be defined as a "state".
This class, State, is intended to be used for such situations. Simply implement the abstract #isInState method. It returns true if the given JComponent is "in this state", false otherwise. This method will be called many times in performance sensitive loops . It must execute very quickly.
For example, the following might be an implementation of a custom "Indeterminate" state for JProgressBars:
public final class IndeterminateState extends State<JProgressBar> {
public IndeterminateState() {
protected boolean isInState(JProgressBar c) {
return c.isIndeterminate();