Package Summary  Overview Summary

class:DocFlavor.STRING [NONE]

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static class DocFlavor.STRINGextends DocFlavor
Class DocFlavor.STRING provides predefined static constant DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a string (java.lang.String) as the print data representation class. As such, the character set is Unicode.
See Also:



    public static final  DocFlavor.STRING TEXT_PLAIN
    Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; charset=utf-16" , print data representation class name = "java.lang.String".
  • field:TEXT_HTML [NONE]


    public static final  DocFlavor.STRING TEXT_HTML
    Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; charset=utf-16" , print data representation class name = "java.lang.String".

    constructor:DocFlavor.STRING(java.lang.String) [NONE]

    • STRING

      public STRING (String mimeType)
      Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data representation class name of "java.lang.String".
      mimeType - MIME media type string. If it is a text media type, it is assumed to contain a "charset=utf-16" parameter.
      NullPointerException - if mimeType is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if mimeType does not obey the syntax for a MIME media type string

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