Package Summary  Overview Summary

class:KeyStoreSpi [NONE]

public abstract class KeyStoreSpiextends Object
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the KeyStore class. All the abstract methods in this class must be implemented by each cryptographic service provider who wishes to supply the implementation of a keystore for a particular keystore type.
See Also:

constructor:KeyStoreSpi() [NONE]

  • KeyStoreSpi

    public KeyStoreSpi()
    Constructor for subclasses to call.

method:engineGetKey(java.lang.String,char[]) [NONE]

  • engineGetKey

    public abstract  Key engineGetKey (String alias, char[] password) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException
    Returns the key associated with the given alias, using the given password to recover it. The key must have been associated with the alias by a call to setKeyEntry, or by a call to setEntry with a PrivateKeyEntry or SecretKeyEntry.
    alias - the alias name
    password - the password for recovering the key
    the requested key, or null if the given alias does not exist or does not identify a key-related entry.
    NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the algorithm for recovering the key cannot be found
    UnrecoverableKeyException - if the key cannot be recovered (e.g., the given password is wrong).
  • method:engineGetCertificateChain(java.lang.String) [CHANGED]


    public abstract  Certificate[] engineGetCertificateChain (String alias)
    Returns the certificate chain associated with the given alias. The certificate chain must have been associated with the alias by a call to setKeyEntry, or by a call to setEntry with a PrivateKeyEntry.
    alias - the alias name
    the certificate chain (ordered with the user's certificate first and the root certificate authority last), or null if the given alias * does not exist or does not contain a certificate chain


    public abstract  Certificate[] engineGetCertificateChain (String alias)
    Returns the certificate chain associated with the given alias. The certificate chain must have been associated with the alias by a call to setKeyEntry, or by a call to setEntry with a PrivateKeyEntry.
    alias - the alias name
    the certificate chain (ordered with the user's certificate first and the root certificate authority last), or null if the given alias does not exist or does not contain a certificate chain


    public abstract  Certificate[] engineGetCertificateChain (String alias)
    Returns the certificate chain associated with the given alias. The certificate chain must have been associated with the alias by a call to setKeyEntry, or by a call to setEntry with a PrivateKeyEntry.
    alias - the alias name
    the certificate chain (ordered with the user's certificate first and the root certificate authority last), or null if the given alias * does not exist or does not contain a certificate chain

    method:engineGetCertificate(java.lang.String) [NONE]


    public abstract  Certificate engineGetCertificate (String alias)
    Returns the certificate associated with the given alias.

    If the given alias name identifies an entry created by a call to setCertificateEntry, or created by a call to setEntry with a TrustedCertificateEntry, then the trusted certificate contained in that entry is returned.

    If the given alias name identifies an entry created by a call to setKeyEntry, or created by a call to setEntry with a PrivateKeyEntry, then the first element of the certificate chain in that entry (if a chain exists) is returned.

    alias - the alias name
    the certificate, or null if the given alias does not exist or does not contain a certificate.

    method:engineGetCreationDate(java.lang.String) [NONE]


    public abstract  Date engineGetCreationDate (String alias)
    Returns the creation date of the entry identified by the given alias.
    alias - the alias name
    the creation date of this entry, or null if the given alias does not exist

    method:engineSetKeyEntry(java.lang.String,,char[],[]) [NONE]


    public abstract  void engineSetKeyEntry (String alias, Key key, char[] password, Certificate[] chain) throws KeyStoreException
    Assigns the given key to the given alias, protecting it with the given password.

    If the given key is of type, it must be accompanied by a certificate chain certifying the corresponding public key.

    If the given alias already exists, the keystore information associated with it is overridden by the given key (and possibly certificate chain).

    alias - the alias name
    key - the key to be associated with the alias
    password - the password to protect the key
    chain - the certificate chain for the corresponding public key (only required if the given key is of type
    KeyStoreException - if the given key cannot be protected, or this operation fails for some other reason

    method:engineSetKeyEntry(java.lang.String,byte[],[]) [NONE]


    public abstract  void engineSetKeyEntry (String alias, byte[] key, Certificate[] chain) throws KeyStoreException
    Assigns the given key (that has already been protected) to the given alias.

    If the protected key is of type, it must be accompanied by a certificate chain certifying the corresponding public key.

    If the given alias already exists, the keystore information associated with it is overridden by the given key (and possibly certificate chain).

    alias - the alias name
    key - the key (in protected format) to be associated with the alias
    chain - the certificate chain for the corresponding public key (only useful if the protected key is of type
    KeyStoreException - if this operation fails.

    method:engineSetCertificateEntry(java.lang.String, [NONE]


    public abstract  void engineSetCertificateEntry (String alias, Certificate cert) throws KeyStoreException
    Assigns the given certificate to the given alias.

    If the given alias identifies an existing entry created by a call to setCertificateEntry, or created by a call to setEntry with a TrustedCertificateEntry, the trusted certificate in the existing entry is overridden by the given certificate.

    alias - the alias name
    cert - the certificate
    KeyStoreException - if the given alias already exists and does not identify an entry containing a trusted certificate, or this operation fails for some other reason.

    method:engineDeleteEntry(java.lang.String) [NONE]


    public abstract  void engineDeleteEntry (String alias) throws KeyStoreException
    Deletes the entry identified by the given alias from this keystore.
    alias - the alias name
    KeyStoreException - if the entry cannot be removed.

    method:engineAliases() [NONE]


    public abstract  Enumeration<String> engineAliases()
    Lists all the alias names of this keystore.
    enumeration of the alias names

    method:engineContainsAlias(java.lang.String) [NONE]


    public abstract  boolean engineContainsAlias (String alias)
    Checks if the given alias exists in this keystore.
    alias - the alias name
    true if the alias exists, false otherwise

    method:engineSize() [NONE]


    public abstract  int engineSize()
    Retrieves the number of entries in this keystore.
    the number of entries in this keystore

    method:engineIsKeyEntry(java.lang.String) [NONE]


    public abstract  boolean engineIsKeyEntry (String alias)
    Returns true if the entry identified by the given alias was created by a call to setKeyEntry, or created by a call to setEntry with a PrivateKeyEntry or a SecretKeyEntry.
    alias - the alias for the keystore entry to be checked
    true if the entry identified by the given alias is a key-related, false otherwise.

    method:engineIsCertificateEntry(java.lang.String) [NONE]


    public abstract  boolean engineIsCertificateEntry (String alias)
    Returns true if the entry identified by the given alias was created by a call to setCertificateEntry, or created by a call to setEntry with a TrustedCertificateEntry.
    alias - the alias for the keystore entry to be checked
    true if the entry identified by the given alias contains a trusted certificate, false otherwise.

    method:engineGetCertificateAlias( [NONE]


    public abstract  String engineGetCertificateAlias (Certificate cert)
    Returns the (alias) name of the first keystore entry whose certificate matches the given certificate.

    This method attempts to match the given certificate with each keystore entry. If the entry being considered was created by a call to setCertificateEntry, or created by a call to setEntry with a TrustedCertificateEntry, then the given certificate is compared to that entry's certificate.

    If the entry being considered was created by a call to setKeyEntry, or created by a call to setEntry with a PrivateKeyEntry, then the given certificate is compared to the first element of that entry's certificate chain.

    cert - the certificate to match with.
    the alias name of the first entry with matching certificate, or null if no such entry exists in this keystore.

    method:engineStore(,char[]) [NONE]


    public abstract  void engineStore (OutputStream stream, char[] password) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException
    Stores this keystore to the given output stream, and protects its integrity with the given password.
    stream - the output stream to which this keystore is written.
    password - the password to generate the keystore integrity check. May be null if the keystore does not support or require an integrity check.
    IOException - if there was an I/O problem with data
    NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the appropriate data integrity algorithm could not be found
    CertificateException - if any of the certificates included in the keystore data could not be stored

    method:engineStore( [NONE]


    Stores this keystore using the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter.
    Implementation Requirements:
    The default implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
    param - the KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter that specifies how to store the keystore, which may be null
    IllegalArgumentException - if the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter input is not recognized
    IOException - if there was an I/O problem with data
    NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the appropriate data integrity algorithm could not be found
    CertificateException - if any of the certificates included in the keystore data could not be stored
    UnsupportedOperationException - if the implementation does not support this operation

    method:engineLoad(,char[]) [NONE]


    public abstract  void engineLoad (InputStream stream, char[] password) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException
    Loads the keystore from the given input stream.

    A password may be given to unlock the keystore (e.g. the keystore resides on a hardware token device), or to check the integrity of the keystore data. If a password is not given for integrity checking, then integrity checking is not performed.

    stream - the input stream from which the keystore is loaded, or null
    password - the password used to check the integrity of the keystore, the password used to unlock the keystore, or null
    IOException - if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data, if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect. If the error is due to a wrong password, the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException
    NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
    CertificateException - if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded

    method:engineLoad( [CHANGED]


    Loads the keystore using the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter.

    Note that if this KeyStore has already been loaded, it is reinitialized and loaded again from the given parameter.

    Implementation Requirements:
    The default implementation examines KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter to extract its password and pass it to engineLoad(InputStream, char[]) along with a nullInputStream.

    If KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter is null then the password parameter will also be null. Otherwise, the KeyStore.ProtectionParameter of KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter must be either a KeyStore.PasswordProtection or a KeyStore.CallbackHandlerProtection that supports PasswordCallback so that the password parameter can be extracted. If the KeyStore.ProtectionParameter is neither of those classes then a NoSuchAlgorithmException is thrown.

    param - the KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter that specifies how to load the keystore, which may be null
    IllegalArgumentException - if the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter input is not recognized
    IOException - if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data. If the error is due to an incorrect ProtectionParameter (e.g. wrong password) the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException
    NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
    CertificateException - if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded


    Loads the keystore using the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter.

    Note that if this KeyStore has already been loaded, it is reinitialized and loaded again from the given parameter.

    Implementation Requirements:
    The default implementation examines KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter to extract its password and pass it to engineLoad(InputStream, char[]) along with a nullInputStream.

    If KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter is null then the password parameter will also be null. Otherwise the KeyStore.ProtectionParameter of KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter must be either a KeyStore.PasswordProtection or a KeyStore.CallbackHandlerProtection that supports PasswordCallback so that the password parameter can be extracted. If the KeyStore.ProtectionParameter is neither of those classes then a NoSuchAlgorithmException is thrown.

    param - the KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter that specifies how to load the keystore, which may be null
    IllegalArgumentException - if the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter input is not recognized
    IOException - if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data. If the error is due to an incorrect ProtectionParameter (e.g. wrong password) the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException
    NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
    CertificateException - if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded


    Loads the keystore using the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter.

    Note that if this KeyStore has already been loaded, it is reinitialized and loaded again from the given parameter.

    Implementation Requirements:
    The default implementation examines KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter to extract its password and pass it to engineLoad(InputStream, char[]) along with a nullInputStream.

    If KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter is null then the password parameter will also be null. Otherwise, the KeyStore.ProtectionParameter of KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter must be either a KeyStore.PasswordProtection or a KeyStore.CallbackHandlerProtection that supports PasswordCallback so that the password parameter can be extracted. If the KeyStore.ProtectionParameter is neither of those classes then a NoSuchAlgorithmException is thrown.

    param - the KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter that specifies how to load the keystore, which may be null
    IllegalArgumentException - if the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter input is not recognized
    IOException - if there is an I/O or format problem with the keystore data. If the error is due to an incorrect ProtectionParameter (e.g. wrong password) the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException
    NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the algorithm used to check the integrity of the keystore cannot be found
    CertificateException - if any of the certificates in the keystore could not be loaded

    method:engineGetAttributes(java.lang.String) [NONE]


    public Set<KeyStore.Entry.Attribute> engineGetAttributes (String alias)
    Retrieves the attributes associated with the given alias.
    Implementation Requirements:
    The default implementation returns an empty Set. KeyStoreSpi implementations that support attributes should override this method.
    alias - the alias name
    an unmodifiable Set of attributes. This set is empty if the given alias does not exist or there are no attributes associated with the alias. This set may also be empty for PrivateKeyEntry or SecretKeyEntry entries that contain protected attributes. These protected attributes should be populated into the result returned by engineGetEntry(java.lang.String, and can be retrieved by calling the KeyStore.Entry.getAttributes() method.

    method:engineGetEntry(java.lang.String, [NONE]


    Gets a KeyStore.Entry for the specified alias with the specified protection parameter.
    alias - get the KeyStore.Entry for this alias
    protParam - the ProtectionParameter used to protect the Entry, which may be null
    the KeyStore.Entry for the specified alias, or null if there is no such entry
    KeyStoreException - if the operation failed
    NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the algorithm for recovering the entry cannot be found
    UnrecoverableEntryException - if the specified protParam were insufficient or invalid
    UnrecoverableKeyException - if the entry is a PrivateKeyEntry or SecretKeyEntry and the specified protParam does not contain the information needed to recover the key (e.g. wrong password)

    method:engineSetEntry(java.lang.String,, [NONE]


    public void engineSetEntry (String alias, KeyStore.Entry entry, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protParam) throws KeyStoreException
    Saves a KeyStore.Entry under the specified alias. The specified protection parameter is used to protect the Entry.

    If an entry already exists for the specified alias, it is overridden.

    alias - save the KeyStore.Entry under this alias
    entry - the Entry to save
    protParam - the ProtectionParameter used to protect the Entry, which may be null
    KeyStoreException - if this operation fails

    method:engineEntryInstanceOf(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class) [NONE]


    public boolean engineEntryInstanceOf (String alias, Class<? extends KeyStore.Entry> entryClass)
    Determines if the keystore Entry for the specified alias is an instance or subclass of the specified entryClass.
    alias - the alias name
    entryClass - the entry class
    true if the keystore Entry for the specified alias is an instance or subclass of the specified entryClass, false otherwise

    method:engineProbe( [NONE]


    public boolean engineProbe (InputStream stream) throws IOException
    Probes the specified input stream to determine whether it contains a keystore that is supported by this implementation, or not.
    Implementation Requirements:
    This method returns false by default. Keystore implementations should override this method to peek at the data stream directly or to use other content detection mechanisms.
    stream - the keystore data to be probed
    true if the keystore data is supported, otherwise false
    IOException - if there is an I/O problem with the keystore data.
    NullPointerException - if stream is null.

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