Uses of Class

Packages that use Field
Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language.
The java.lang.invoke package provides low-level primitives for interacting with the Java Virtual Machine.
Provides utility classes to allow serializable mappings between SQL types and data types in the Java programming language.
  • Uses of Field in java.lang

    Methods in java.lang that return Field
    Modifier and Type
    Returns a Field object that reflects the specified declared field of the class or interface represented by this Class object.
    Returns an array of Field objects reflecting all the fields declared by the class or interface represented by this Class object.
    Class.getField(String name)
    Returns a Field object that reflects the specified public member field of the class or interface represented by this Class object.
    Returns an array containing Field objects reflecting all the accessible public fields of the class or interface represented by this Class object.
  • Uses of Field in java.lang.invoke

    Methods in java.lang.invoke with parameters of type Field
    Modifier and Type
    MethodHandles.Lookup.unreflectGetter(Field f)
    Produces a method handle giving read access to a reflected field.
    MethodHandles.Lookup.unreflectSetter(Field f)
    Produces a method handle giving write access to a reflected field.
    MethodHandles.Lookup.unreflectVarHandle(Field f)
    Produces a VarHandle giving access to a reflected field f of type T declared in a class of type R.
  • Uses of Field in javax.sql.rowset.serial

    Methods in javax.sql.rowset.serial that return Field
    Modifier and Type
    Returns an array of Field objects that contains each field of the object that this helper class is serializing.