Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidMidiDataException
Package Description
Provides interfaces and classes for I/O, sequencing, and synthesis of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) data.
Supplies interfaces for service providers to implement when offering new MIDI devices, MIDI file readers and writers, or sound bank readers.
  • Uses of InvalidMidiDataException in javax.sound.midi

    Methods in javax.sound.midi that throw InvalidMidiDataException
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected int ShortMessage.getDataLength​(int status)
    Retrieves the number of data bytes associated with a particular status byte value.
    static MidiFileFormat MidiSystem.getMidiFileFormat​(File file)
    Obtains the MIDI file format of the specified File.
    static MidiFileFormat MidiSystem.getMidiFileFormat​(InputStream stream)
    Obtains the MIDI file format of the data in the specified input stream.
    static MidiFileFormat MidiSystem.getMidiFileFormat​(URL url)
    Obtains the MIDI file format of the data in the specified URL.
    static Sequence MidiSystem.getSequence​(File file)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified File.
    static Sequence MidiSystem.getSequence​(InputStream stream)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified input stream.
    static Sequence MidiSystem.getSequence​(URL url)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified URL.
    static Soundbank MidiSystem.getSoundbank​(File file)
    Constructs a Soundbank by reading it from the specified File.
    static Soundbank MidiSystem.getSoundbank​(InputStream stream)
    Constructs a MIDI sound bank by reading it from the specified stream.
    static Soundbank MidiSystem.getSoundbank​(URL url)
    Constructs a Soundbank by reading it from the specified URL.
    void MetaMessage.setMessage​(int type, byte[] data, int length)
    Sets the message parameters for a MetaMessage.
    protected void MidiMessage.setMessage​(byte[] data, int length)
    Sets the data for the MIDI message.
    void ShortMessage.setMessage​(int status)
    Sets the parameters for a MIDI message that takes no data bytes.
    void ShortMessage.setMessage​(int status, int data1, int data2)
    Sets the parameters for a MIDI message that takes one or two data bytes.
    void ShortMessage.setMessage​(int command, int channel, int data1, int data2)
    Sets the short message parameters for a channel message which takes up to two data bytes.
    void SysexMessage.setMessage​(byte[] data, int length)
    Sets the data for the system exclusive message.
    void SysexMessage.setMessage​(int status, byte[] data, int length)
    Sets the data for the system exclusive message.
    void Sequencer.setSequence​(InputStream stream)
    Sets the current sequence on which the sequencer operates.
    void Sequencer.setSequence​(Sequence sequence)
    Sets the current sequence on which the sequencer operates.
    Constructors in javax.sound.midi that throw InvalidMidiDataException
    Constructor Description
    MetaMessage​(int type, byte[] data, int length)
    Constructs a new MetaMessage and sets the message parameters.
    Sequence​(float divisionType, int resolution)
    Constructs a new MIDI sequence with the specified timing division type and timing resolution.
    Sequence​(float divisionType, int resolution, int numTracks)
    Constructs a new MIDI sequence with the specified timing division type, timing resolution, and number of tracks.
    ShortMessage​(int status)
    Constructs a new ShortMessage which represents a MIDI message that takes no data bytes.
    ShortMessage​(int status, int data1, int data2)
    Constructs a new ShortMessage which represents a MIDI message that takes up to two data bytes.
    ShortMessage​(int command, int channel, int data1, int data2)
    Constructs a new ShortMessage which represents a channel MIDI message that takes up to two data bytes.
    SysexMessage​(byte[] data, int length)
    Constructs a new SysexMessage and sets the data for the message.
    SysexMessage​(int status, byte[] data, int length)
    Constructs a new SysexMessage and sets the data for the message.
  • Uses of InvalidMidiDataException in javax.sound.midi.spi

    Methods in javax.sound.midi.spi that throw InvalidMidiDataException
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    abstract MidiFileFormat MidiFileReader.getMidiFileFormat​(File file)
    Obtains the MIDI file format of the File provided.
    abstract MidiFileFormat MidiFileReader.getMidiFileFormat​(InputStream stream)
    Obtains the MIDI file format of the input stream provided.
    abstract MidiFileFormat MidiFileReader.getMidiFileFormat​(URL url)
    Obtains the MIDI file format of the URL provided.
    abstract Sequence MidiFileReader.getSequence​(File file)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the File provided.
    abstract Sequence MidiFileReader.getSequence​(InputStream stream)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the input stream provided.
    abstract Sequence MidiFileReader.getSequence​(URL url)
    Obtains a MIDI sequence from the URL provided.
    abstract Soundbank SoundbankReader.getSoundbank​(File file)
    Obtains a soundbank object from the File provided.
    abstract Soundbank SoundbankReader.getSoundbank​(InputStream stream)
    Obtains a soundbank object from the InputStream provided.
    abstract Soundbank SoundbankReader.getSoundbank​(URL url)
    Obtains a soundbank object from the URL provided.