Uses of Class

Packages that use Encoder
Package Description
Contains classes related to developing beans -- components based on the JavaBeans architecture.
  • Uses of Encoder in java.beans

    Subclasses of Encoder in java.beans
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  XMLEncoder
    The XMLEncoder class is a complementary alternative to the ObjectOutputStream and can used to generate a textual representation of a JavaBean in the same way that the ObjectOutputStream can be used to create binary representation of Serializable objects.
    Methods in java.beans with parameters of type Encoder
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected void DefaultPersistenceDelegate.initialize​(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out)
    This default implementation of the initialize method assumes all state held in objects of this type is exposed via the matching pairs of "setter" and "getter" methods in the order they are returned by the Introspector.
    protected void PersistenceDelegate.initialize​(Class<?> type, Object oldInstance, Object newInstance, Encoder out)
    Produce a series of statements with side effects on newInstance so that the new instance becomes equivalent to oldInstance.
    protected Expression DefaultPersistenceDelegate.instantiate​(Object oldInstance, Encoder out)
    This default implementation of the instantiate method returns an expression containing the predefined method name "new" which denotes a call to a constructor with the arguments as specified in the DefaultPersistenceDelegate's constructor.
    protected abstract Expression PersistenceDelegate.instantiate​(Object oldInstance, Encoder out)
    Returns an expression whose value is oldInstance.
    void PersistenceDelegate.writeObject​(Object oldInstance, Encoder out)
    The writeObject is a single entry point to the persistence and is used by an Encoder in the traditional mode of delegation.