Uses of Interface

Packages that use Era
Package Description
Generic API for calendar systems other than the default ISO.
  • Uses of Era in java.time.chrono

    Classes in java.time.chrono that implement Era
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  HijrahEra
    An era in the Hijrah calendar system.
    class  IsoEra
    An era in the ISO calendar system.
    class  JapaneseEra
    An era in the Japanese Imperial calendar system.
    class  MinguoEra
    An era in the Minguo calendar system.
    class  ThaiBuddhistEra
    An era in the Thai Buddhist calendar system.
    Methods in java.time.chrono that return Era
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Era Chronology.eraOf​(int eraValue)
    Creates the chronology era object from the numeric value.
    default Era ChronoLocalDate.getEra()
    Gets the era, as defined by the chronology.
    Methods in java.time.chrono that return types with arguments of type Era
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    List<Era> Chronology.eras()
    Gets the list of eras for the chronology.
    Methods in java.time.chrono with parameters of type Era
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default ChronoLocalDate​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    Obtains a local date in this chronology from the era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.
    HijrahDate​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    Obtains a local date in Hijrah calendar system from the era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.
    LocalDate​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    Obtains an ISO local date from the era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.
    JapaneseDate​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    Obtains a local date in Japanese calendar system from the era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.
    MinguoDate​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    Obtains a local date in Minguo calendar system from the era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.
    ThaiBuddhistDate​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    Obtains a local date in Thai Buddhist calendar system from the era, year-of-era, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.
    default ChronoLocalDate Chronology.dateYearDay​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear)
    Obtains a local date in this chronology from the era, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.
    HijrahDate HijrahChronology.dateYearDay​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear)
    Obtains a local date in Hijrah calendar system from the era, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.
    LocalDate IsoChronology.dateYearDay​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear)
    Obtains an ISO local date from the era, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.
    JapaneseDate JapaneseChronology.dateYearDay​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear)
    Obtains a local date in Japanese calendar system from the era, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.
    MinguoDate MinguoChronology.dateYearDay​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear)
    Obtains a local date in Minguo calendar system from the era, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.
    ThaiBuddhistDate ThaiBuddhistChronology.dateYearDay​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int dayOfYear)
    Obtains a local date in Thai Buddhist calendar system from the era, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.
    default long Chronology.epochSecond​(Era era, int yearOfEra, int month, int dayOfMonth, int hour, int minute, int second, ZoneOffset zoneOffset)
    Gets the number of seconds from the epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    int Chronology.prolepticYear​(Era era, int yearOfEra)
    Calculates the proleptic-year given the era and year-of-era.