Package Summary  Overview Summary

class:BasicControl [NONE]

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Control
Direct Known Subclasses:
ManageReferralControl, PagedResultsControl, PagedResultsResponseControl, SortControl, SortResponseControl

public class BasicControl
extends Object
implements Control
This class provides a basic implementation of the Control interface. It represents an LDAPv3 Control as defined in RFC 2251 .
See Also:
Serialized Form

field:id [NONE]

  • id

    protected String id
    The control's object identifier string.
  • field:criticality [NONE]


    protected boolean criticality
    The control's criticality.

    field:value [NONE]


    protected byte[] value
    The control's ASN.1 BER encoded value.

    constructor:BasicControl(java.lang.String) [NONE]

  • BasicControl

    public BasicControl?(String id)
    Constructs a non-critical control.
    id - The control's object identifier string.
  • constructor:BasicControl(java.lang.String,boolean,byte[]) [NONE]


    public BasicControl?(String id, boolean criticality, byte[] value)
    Constructs a control using the supplied arguments.
    id - The control's object identifier string.
    criticality - The control's criticality.
    value - The control's ASN.1 BER encoded value. It is not cloned - any changes to value will affect the contents of the control. It may be null.

    method:getID() [NONE]

  • getID

    public String getID()
    Retrieves the control's object identifier string.
    Specified by:
    getID in interface Control
    The non-null object identifier string.
  • method:isCritical() [NONE]


    public boolean isCritical()
    Determines the control's criticality.
    Specified by:
    isCritical in interface Control
    true if the control is critical; false otherwise.

    method:getEncodedValue() [NONE]


    public byte[] getEncodedValue()
    Retrieves the control's ASN.1 BER encoded value. The result includes the BER tag and length for the control's value but does not include the control's object identifier and criticality setting.
    Specified by:
    getEncodedValue in interface Control
    A possibly null byte array representing the control's ASN.1 BER encoded value. It is not cloned - any changes to the returned value will affect the contents of the control.

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