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class:PKCS12Attribute [NONE]

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class PKCS12Attribute
extends Object
implements KeyStore.Entry.Attribute
An attribute associated with a PKCS12 keystore entry. The attribute name is an ASN.1 Object Identifier and the attribute value is a set of ASN.1 types.

constructor:PKCS12Attribute(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) [NONE]

  • PKCS12Attribute

    public PKCS12Attribute?(String name, String value)
    Constructs a PKCS12 attribute from its name and value. The name is an ASN.1 Object Identifier represented as a list of dot-separated integers. A string value is represented as the string itself. A binary value is represented as a string of colon-separated pairs of hexadecimal digits. Multi-valued attributes are represented as a comma-separated list of values, enclosed in square brackets. See Arrays.toString(java.lang.Object[]).

    A string value will be DER-encoded as an ASN.1 UTF8String and a binary value will be DER-encoded as an ASN.1 Octet String.

    name - the attribute's identifier
    value - the attribute's value
    NullPointerException - if name or value is null
    IllegalArgumentException - if name or value is incorrectly formatted
  • constructor:PKCS12Attribute(byte[]) [CHANGED]


    public PKCS12Attribute?(byte[] encoded)
    Constructs a PKCS12 attribute from its ASN.1 DER encoding. The DER encoding is specified by the following ASN.1 definition:
     Attribute ::= SEQUENCE {
         type   AttributeType,
         values SET OF AttributeValue
     AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
     AttributeValue ::= ANY defined by type
    encoded - the attribute's ASN.1 DER encoding. It is cloned to prevent subsequent modificaionmodification.
    NullPointerException - if encoded is null
    IllegalArgumentException - if encoded is incorrectly formatted


    public PKCS12Attribute?(byte[] encoded)
    Constructs a PKCS12 attribute from its ASN.1 DER encoding. The DER encoding is specified by the following ASN.1 definition:
     Attribute ::= SEQUENCE {
         type   AttributeType,
         values SET OF AttributeValue
     AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
     AttributeValue ::= ANY defined by type
    encoded - the attribute's ASN.1 DER encoding. It is cloned to prevent subsequent modificaion.
    NullPointerException - if encoded is null
    IllegalArgumentException - if encoded is incorrectly formatted


    public PKCS12Attribute?(byte[] encoded)
    Constructs a PKCS12 attribute from its ASN.1 DER encoding. The DER encoding is specified by the following ASN.1 definition:
     Attribute ::= SEQUENCE {
         type   AttributeType,
         values SET OF AttributeValue
     AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
     AttributeValue ::= ANY defined by type
    encoded - the attribute's ASN.1 DER encoding. It is cloned to prevent subsequent modification.
    NullPointerException - if encoded is null
    IllegalArgumentException - if encoded is incorrectly formatted

    method:getName() [NONE]

  • getName

    public String getName()
    Returns the attribute's ASN.1 Object Identifier represented as a list of dot-separated integers.
    Specified by:
    getName in interface KeyStore.Entry.Attribute
    the attribute's identifier
  • method:getValue() [NONE]


    public String getValue()
    Returns the attribute's ASN.1 DER-encoded value as a string. An ASN.1 DER-encoded value is returned in one of the following String formats:
    • the DER encoding of a basic ASN.1 type that has a natural string representation is returned as the string itself. Such types are currently limited to BOOLEAN, INTEGER, OBJECT IDENTIFIER, UTCTime, GeneralizedTime and the following six ASN.1 string types: UTF8String, PrintableString, T61String, IA5String, BMPString and GeneralString.
    • the DER encoding of any other ASN.1 type is not decoded but returned as a binary string of colon-separated pairs of hexadecimal digits.
    Multi-valued attributes are represented as a comma-separated list of values, enclosed in square brackets. See Arrays.toString(java.lang.Object[]).
    Specified by:
    getValue in interface KeyStore.Entry.Attribute
    the attribute value's string encoding

    method:getEncoded() [NONE]


    public byte[] getEncoded()
    Returns the attribute's ASN.1 DER encoding.
    a clone of the attribute's DER encoding

    method:equals(java.lang.Object) [NONE]


    public boolean equals?(Object obj)
    Compares this PKCS12Attribute and a specified object for equality.
    equals in class Object
    obj - the comparison object
    true if obj is a PKCS12Attribute and their DER encodings are equal.
    See Also:
    Object.hashCode(), HashMap

    method:hashCode() [NONE]


    public int hashCode()
    Returns the hashcode for this PKCS12Attribute. The hash code is computed from its DER encoding.
    hashCode in class Object
    the hash code
    See Also:
    Object.equals(java.lang.Object), System.identityHashCode(java.lang.Object)

    method:toString() [NONE]


    public String toString()
    Returns a string representation of this PKCS12Attribute.
    toString in class Object
    a name/value pair separated by an 'equals' symbol

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