Uses of Class

Packages that use Line.Info
Package Description
Provides interfaces and classes for capture, processing, and playback of sampled audio data.
  • Uses of Line.Info in javax.sound.sampled

    Subclasses of Line.Info in javax.sound.sampled
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    static class  DataLine.Info
    Besides the class information inherited from its superclass, DataLine.Info provides additional information specific to data lines.
    static class  Port.Info
    The Port.Info class extends Line.Info with additional information specific to ports, including the port's name and whether it is a source or a target for its mixer.
    Methods in javax.sound.sampled that return Line.Info
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Line.Info Line.getLineInfo()
    Obtains the Line.Info object describing this line.
    static Line.Info[] AudioSystem.getSourceLineInfo​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains information about all source lines of a particular type that are supported by the installed mixers.
    Line.Info[] Mixer.getSourceLineInfo()
    Obtains information about the set of source lines supported by this mixer.
    Line.Info[] Mixer.getSourceLineInfo​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains information about source lines of a particular type supported by the mixer.
    static Line.Info[] AudioSystem.getTargetLineInfo​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains information about all target lines of a particular type that are supported by the installed mixers.
    Line.Info[] Mixer.getTargetLineInfo()
    Obtains information about the set of target lines supported by this mixer.
    Line.Info[] Mixer.getTargetLineInfo​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains information about target lines of a particular type supported by the mixer.
    Methods in javax.sound.sampled with parameters of type Line.Info
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static Line AudioSystem.getLine​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains a line that matches the description in the specified Line.Info object.
    Line Mixer.getLine​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains a line that is available for use and that matches the description in the specified Line.Info object.
    int Mixer.getMaxLines​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains the approximate maximum number of lines of the requested type that can be open simultaneously on the mixer.
    static Line.Info[] AudioSystem.getSourceLineInfo​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains information about all source lines of a particular type that are supported by the installed mixers.
    Line.Info[] Mixer.getSourceLineInfo​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains information about source lines of a particular type supported by the mixer.
    static Line.Info[] AudioSystem.getTargetLineInfo​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains information about all target lines of a particular type that are supported by the installed mixers.
    Line.Info[] Mixer.getTargetLineInfo​(Line.Info info)
    Obtains information about target lines of a particular type supported by the mixer.
    static boolean AudioSystem.isLineSupported​(Line.Info info)
    Indicates whether the system supports any lines that match the specified Line.Info object.
    boolean Mixer.isLineSupported​(Line.Info info)
    Indicates whether the mixer supports a line (or lines) that match the specified Line.Info object.
    boolean DataLine.Info.matches​(Line.Info info)
    Determines whether the specified info object matches this one.
    boolean Line.Info.matches​(Line.Info info)
    Indicates whether the specified info object matches this one.
    boolean Port.Info.matches​(Line.Info info)
    Indicates whether this info object specified matches this one.