Uses of Class

Packages that use YearMonth
Package Description
The main API for dates, times, instants, and durations.
  • Uses of YearMonth in java.time

    Methods in java.time that return YearMonth
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    YearMonth Year.atMonth​(int month)
    Combines this year with a month to create a YearMonth.
    YearMonth Year.atMonth​(Month month)
    Combines this year with a month to create a YearMonth.
    static YearMonth YearMonth.from​(TemporalAccessor temporal)
    Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a temporal object.
    YearMonth YearMonth.minus​(long amountToSubtract, TemporalUnit unit)
    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified amount subtracted.
    YearMonth YearMonth.minus​(TemporalAmount amountToSubtract)
    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified amount subtracted.
    YearMonth YearMonth.minusMonths​(long monthsToSubtract)
    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the specified number of months subtracted.
    YearMonth YearMonth.minusYears​(long yearsToSubtract)
    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the specified number of years subtracted.
    static YearMonth
    Obtains the current year-month from the system clock in the default time-zone.
    static YearMonth​(Clock clock)
    Obtains the current year-month from the specified clock.
    static YearMonth​(ZoneId zone)
    Obtains the current year-month from the system clock in the specified time-zone.
    static YearMonth YearMonth.of​(int year, int month)
    Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a year and month.
    static YearMonth YearMonth.of​(int year, Month month)
    Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a year and month.
    static YearMonth YearMonth.parse​(CharSequence text)
    Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a text string such as 2007-12.
    static YearMonth YearMonth.parse​(CharSequence text, DateTimeFormatter formatter)
    Obtains an instance of YearMonth from a text string using a specific formatter.
    YearMonth​(long amountToAdd, TemporalUnit unit)
    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified amount added.
    YearMonth​(TemporalAmount amountToAdd)
    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified amount added.
    YearMonth YearMonth.plusMonths​(long monthsToAdd)
    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the specified number of months added.
    YearMonth YearMonth.plusYears​(long yearsToAdd)
    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the specified number of years added.
    YearMonth YearMonth.with​(TemporalAdjuster adjuster)
    Returns an adjusted copy of this year-month.
    YearMonth YearMonth.with​(TemporalField field, long newValue)
    Returns a copy of this year-month with the specified field set to a new value.
    YearMonth YearMonth.withMonth​(int month)
    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the month-of-year altered.
    YearMonth YearMonth.withYear​(int year)
    Returns a copy of this YearMonth with the year altered.
    Methods in java.time with parameters of type YearMonth
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int YearMonth.compareTo​(YearMonth other)
    Compares this year-month to another year-month.
    boolean YearMonth.isAfter​(YearMonth other)
    Checks if this year-month is after the specified year-month.
    boolean YearMonth.isBefore​(YearMonth other)
    Checks if this year-month is before the specified year-month.