Module java.base
Package java.lang

Class AssertionError

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AssertionError
extends Error
Thrown to indicate that an assertion has failed.

The seven one-argument public constructors provided by this class ensure that the assertion error returned by the invocation:

     new AssertionError(expression)
has as its detail message the string conversion of expression (as defined in section of The Java Language Specification), regardless of the type of expression.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Constructs an AssertionError with no detail message.
    AssertionError​(boolean detailMessage)
    Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified boolean, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
    AssertionError​(char detailMessage)
    Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified char, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
    AssertionError​(double detailMessage)
    Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified double, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
    AssertionError​(float detailMessage)
    Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified float, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
    AssertionError​(int detailMessage)
    Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified int, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
    AssertionError​(long detailMessage)
    Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified long, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
    AssertionError​(Object detailMessage)
    Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified object, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
    AssertionError​(String message, Throwable cause)
    Constructs a new AssertionError with the specified detail message and cause.
  • Method Summary

    Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError()
      Constructs an AssertionError with no detail message.
    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError​(Object detailMessage)
      Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified object, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.

      If the specified object is an instance of Throwable, it becomes the cause of the newly constructed assertion error.

      detailMessage - value to be used in constructing detail message
      See Also:
    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError​(boolean detailMessage)
      Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified boolean, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
      detailMessage - value to be used in constructing detail message
    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError​(char detailMessage)
      Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified char, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
      detailMessage - value to be used in constructing detail message
    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError​(int detailMessage)
      Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified int, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
      detailMessage - value to be used in constructing detail message
    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError​(long detailMessage)
      Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified long, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
      detailMessage - value to be used in constructing detail message
    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError​(float detailMessage)
      Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified float, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
      detailMessage - value to be used in constructing detail message
    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError​(double detailMessage)
      Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified double, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java Language Specification.
      detailMessage - value to be used in constructing detail message
    • AssertionError

      public AssertionError​(String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructs a new AssertionError with the specified detail message and cause.

      Note that the detail message associated with cause is not automatically incorporated in this error's detail message.

      message - the detail message, may be null
      cause - the cause, may be null