- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
ChangedCharSetException , CharacterCodingException , CharConversionException , ClosedChannelException , EOFException , FileLockInterruptionException , FileNotFoundException , FilerException , FileSystemException , HttpRetryException , HttpTimeoutException , IIOException , InterruptedByTimeoutException , InterruptedIOException , InvalidPropertiesFormatException , JMXProviderException , JMXServerErrorException , MalformedURLException , ObjectStreamException , ProtocolException , RemoteException , SaslException , SocketException , SSLException , SyncFailedException , UnknownHostException , UnknownServiceException , UnsupportedEncodingException , UserPrincipalNotFoundException , UTFDataFormatException , WebSocketHandshakeException , ZipException
public class IOException
extends Exception
Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by failed or interrupted I/O operations.
- 1.0
See Also:
InputStream , OutputStream , Serialized Form