- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
AsynchronousByteChannel , AsynchronousChannel , ByteChannel , Channel , DirectoryStream<T> , GatheringByteChannel , ImageInputStream , ImageOutputStream , InterruptibleChannel , JavaFileManager , JMXConnector , ModuleReader , MulticastChannel , NetworkChannel , ReadableByteChannel , RMIConnection , ScatteringByteChannel , SecureDirectoryStream<T> , SeekableByteChannel , StandardJavaFileManager , WatchService , WritableByteChannel
- All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInterruptibleChannel , AbstractSelectableChannel , AbstractSelector , AsynchronousFileChannel , AsynchronousServerSocketChannel , AsynchronousSocketChannel , AudioInputStream , BufferedInputStream , BufferedOutputStream , BufferedReader , BufferedWriter , ByteArrayInputStream , ByteArrayOutputStream , CharArrayReader , CharArrayWriter , CheckedInputStream , CheckedOutputStream , CipherInputStream , CipherOutputStream , DatagramChannel , DatagramSocket , DataInputStream , DataOutputStream , DeflaterInputStream , DeflaterOutputStream , DigestInputStream , DigestOutputStream , FileCacheImageInputStream , FileCacheImageOutputStream , FileChannel , FileImageInputStream , FileImageOutputStream , FileInputStream , FileOutputStream , FileReader , FileSystem , FileWriter , FilterInputStream , FilterOutputStream , FilterReader , FilterWriter , Formatter , ForwardingJavaFileManager , GZIPInputStream , GZIPOutputStream , ImageInputStreamImpl , ImageOutputStreamImpl , InflaterInputStream , InflaterOutputStream , InputStream , InputStreamReader , JarFile , JarInputStream , JarOutputStream , LineNumberInputStream , LineNumberReader , LogStream , MemoryCacheImageInputStream , MemoryCacheImageOutputStream , MLet , MulticastSocket , ObjectInputStream , ObjectOutputStream , OutputStream , OutputStreamWriter , Pipe.SinkChannel , Pipe.SourceChannel , PipedInputStream , PipedOutputStream , PipedReader , PipedWriter , PrintStream , PrintWriter , PrivateMLet , ProgressMonitorInputStream , PushbackInputStream , PushbackReader , RandomAccessFile , Reader , RMIConnectionImpl , RMIConnectionImpl_Stub , RMIConnector , RMIIIOPServerImpl , RMIJRMPServerImpl , RMIServerImpl , Scanner , SelectableChannel , Selector , SequenceInputStream , ServerSocket , ServerSocketChannel , Socket , SocketChannel , SSLServerSocket , SSLSocket , StringBufferInputStream , StringReader , StringWriter , URLClassLoader , Writer , ZipFile , ZipInputStream , ZipOutputStream
public interface Closeable
extends AutoCloseable
A Closeable is a source or destination of data that can be closed. The close method is invoked to release resources that the object is holding (such as open files).
- 1.5