Package Summary  Overview Summary

class:HashAttributeSet [NONE]

constructor:<init>() [NONE]

  • HashAttributeSet

    public HashAttributeSet()
    Construct a new, empty attribute set.

constructor:<init>(javax.print.attribute.Attribute) [NONE]

  • HashAttributeSet

    public HashAttributeSet​(Attribute attribute)
    Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the given attribute.
    attribute - attribute value to add to the set
    NullPointerException - if attribute is null

constructor:<init>(javax.print.attribute.Attribute[]) [NONE]

  • HashAttributeSet

    public HashAttributeSet​(Attribute[] attributes)
    Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from the given array. The new attribute set is populated by adding the elements of attributes array to the set in sequence, starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace earlier array elements if the array contains duplicate attribute values or attribute categories.
    attributes - array of attribute values to add to the set. If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
    NullPointerException - if any element of attributes is null

constructor:<init>(javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet) [NONE]

  • HashAttributeSet

    public HashAttributeSet​(AttributeSet attributes)
    Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from the given set.
    attributes - set of attributes from which to initialise this set. If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.

constructor:<init>(java.lang.Class) [NONE]

  • HashAttributeSet

    protected HashAttributeSet​(Class<?> interfaceName)
    Construct a new, empty attribute set, where the members of the attribute set are restricted to the given interface.
    interfaceName - the interface of which all members of this attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to be interface Attribute or a subinterface thereof.
    NullPointerException - if interfaceName is null

constructor:<init>(javax.print.attribute.Attribute,java.lang.Class) [NONE]

  • HashAttributeSet

    protected HashAttributeSet​(Attribute attribute,
                               Class<?> interfaceName)
    Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the given attribute, where the members of the attribute set are restricted to the given interface.
    attribute - attribute value to add to the set
    interfaceName - the interface of which all members of this attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to be interface Attribute or a subinterface thereof.
    NullPointerException - if attribute or interfaceName are null
    ClassCastException - if attribute is not an instance of interfaceName

constructor:<init>(javax.print.attribute.Attribute[],java.lang.Class) [NONE]

  • HashAttributeSet

    protected HashAttributeSet​(Attribute[] attributes,
                               Class<?> interfaceName)
    Construct a new attribute set, where the members of the attribute set are restricted to the given interface. The new attribute set is populated by adding the elements of attributes array to the set in sequence, starting at index 0. Thus, later array elements may replace earlier array elements if the array contains duplicate attribute values or attribute categories.
    attributes - array of attribute values to add to the set. If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
    interfaceName - the interface of which all members of this attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to be interface Attribute or a subinterface thereof.
    NullPointerException - if interfaceName is null, or if any element of attributes is null
    ClassCastException - if any element of attributes is not an instance of interfaceName

constructor:<init>(javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet,java.lang.Class) [NONE]

  • HashAttributeSet

    protected HashAttributeSet​(AttributeSet attributes,
                               Class<?> interfaceName)
    Construct a new attribute set, initially populated with the values from the given set where the members of the attribute set are restricted to the given interface.
    attributes - set of attribute values to initialise the set. If null, an empty attribute set is constructed.
    interfaceName - The interface of which all members of this attribute set must be an instance. It is assumed to be interface Attribute or a subinterface thereof.
    ClassCastException - if any element of attributes is not an instance of interfaceName

method:get(java.lang.Class) [NONE]

  • get

    public Attribute get​(Class<?> category)
    Returns the attribute value which this attribute set contains in the given attribute category. Returns null if this attribute set does not contain any attribute value in the given attribute category.
    Specified by:
    get in interface AttributeSet
    category - attribute category whose associated attribute value is to be returned. It must be a Class that implements interface Attribute.
    the attribute value in the given attribute category contained in this attribute set, or null if this attribute set does not contain any attribute value in the given attribute category
    NullPointerException - if the category is null
    ClassCastException - if the category is not a Class that implements interface Attribute

method:add(javax.print.attribute.Attribute) [NONE]

  • add

    public boolean add​(Attribute attribute)
    Adds the specified attribute to this attribute set if it is not already present, first removing any existing in the same attribute category as the specified attribute value.
    Specified by:
    add in interface AttributeSet
    attribute - attribute value to be added to this attribute set
    true if this attribute set changed as a result of the call, i.e., the given attribute value was not already a member of this attribute set
    NullPointerException - if the attribute is null
    UnmodifiableSetException - if this attribute set does not support the add() operation

method:remove(java.lang.Class) [NONE]

  • remove

    public boolean remove​(Class<?> category)
    Removes any attribute for this category from this attribute set if present. If category is null, then remove() does nothing and returns false.
    Specified by:
    remove in interface AttributeSet
    category - attribute category to be removed from this attribute set
    true if this attribute set changed as a result of the call, i.e., the given attribute category had been a member of this attribute set
    UnmodifiableSetException - if this attribute set does not support the remove() operation

method:remove(javax.print.attribute.Attribute) [NONE]

  • remove

    public boolean remove​(Attribute attribute)
    Removes the specified attribute from this attribute set if present. If attribute is null, then remove() does nothing and returns false.
    Specified by:
    remove in interface AttributeSet
    attribute - attribute value to be removed from this attribute set
    true if this attribute set changed as a result of the call, i.e., the given attribute value had been a member of this attribute set
    UnmodifiableSetException - if this attribute set does not support the remove() operation

method:containsKey(java.lang.Class) [NONE]

  • containsKey

    public boolean containsKey​(Class<?> category)
    Returns true if this attribute set contains an attribute for the specified category.
    Specified by:
    containsKey in interface AttributeSet
    category - whose presence in this attribute set is to be tested
    true if this attribute set contains an attribute value for the specified category

method:containsValue(javax.print.attribute.Attribute) [NONE]

  • containsValue

    public boolean containsValue​(Attribute attribute)
    Returns true if this attribute set contains the given attribute.
    Specified by:
    containsValue in interface AttributeSet
    attribute - value whose presence in this attribute set is to be tested
    true if this attribute set contains the given attribute value

method:addAll(javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet) [NONE]

  • addAll

    public boolean addAll​(AttributeSet attributes)
    Adds all of the elements in the specified set to this attribute. The outcome is the same as if the add(Attribute) operation had been applied to this attribute set successively with each element from the specified set. The behavior of the addAll(AttributeSet) operation is unspecified if the specified set is modified while the operation is in progress.

    If the addAll(AttributeSet) operation throws an exception, the effect on this attribute set's state is implementation dependent; elements from the specified set before the point of the exception may or may not have been added to this attribute set.

    Specified by:
    addAll in interface AttributeSet
    attributes - whose elements are to be added to this attribute set
    true if this attribute set changed as a result of the call
    UnmodifiableSetException - if this attribute set does not support the addAll(AttributeSet) method
    NullPointerException - if some element in the specified set is null, or the set is null
    See Also:

method:size() [NONE]

  • size

    public int size()
    Returns the number of attributes in this attribute set. If this attribute set contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, returns Integer.MAX_VALUE.
    Specified by:
    size in interface AttributeSet
    the number of attributes in this attribute set

method:toArray() [NONE]

  • toArray

    public Attribute[] toArray()
    Returns an array of the attributes contained in this set.
    Specified by:
    toArray in interface AttributeSet
    the attributes contained in this set as an array, zero length if the AttributeSet is empty

method:clear() [NONE]

  • clear

    public void clear()
    Removes all attributes from this attribute set.
    Specified by:
    clear in interface AttributeSet
    UnmodifiableSetException - if this attribute set does not support the clear() operation

method:isEmpty() [NONE]

  • isEmpty

    public boolean isEmpty()
    Returns true if this attribute set contains no attributes.
    Specified by:
    isEmpty in interface AttributeSet
    true if this attribute set contains no attributes

method:equals(java.lang.Object) [NONE]

  • equals

    public boolean equals​(Object object)
    Compares the specified object with this attribute set for equality. Returns true if the given object is also an attribute set and the two attribute sets contain the same attribute category-attribute value mappings. This ensures that the equals() method works properly across different implementations of the AttributeSet interface.
    Specified by:
    equals in interface AttributeSet
    equals in class Object
    object - to be compared for equality with this attribute set
    true if the specified object is equal to this attribute set
    See Also:
    Object.hashCode(), HashMap

method:hashCode() [NONE]

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