Uses of Class
Packages that use ClassLoader Package Description java.awt.datatransfer Provides interfaces and classes for transferring data between and within Contains classes related to developing beans -- components based on the JavaBeans™ Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming Provides services that allow Java programming language agents to instrument programs running on the Thejava.lang.invoke
package contains dynamic language support provided directly by the Java core class libraries and virtual Provides classes and interfaces for obtaining reflective information about classes and Provides the classes for implementing networking Defines interfaces and classes for the Java virtual machine to access files, file attributes, and file Provides classes and interfaces for supporting the server side of Provides the classes and interfaces for the security Contains the collections framework, some internationalization support classes, a service loader, properties, random number generation, string parsing and scanning classes, base64 encoding and decoding, a bit array, and several miscellaneous utility classes.javax.activation javax.imageio.spi A package of the Java Image I/O API containing the plug-in interfaces for readers, writers, transcoders, and streams, and a runtime Provides the core classes for the Java Management Provides the classes which implement advanced dynamic The RMI connector is a connector for the JMX Remote API that uses RMI to transmit client requests to a remote MBean server.javax.rmi.CORBA Contains portability APIs for RMI-IIOP.javax.script The scripting API consists of interfaces and classes that define Java™ Scripting Engines and provides a framework for their use in Java applications.javax.sql.rowset Standard interfaces and base classes for JDBCRowSet
implementations.javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all Provides interfaces for tools which can be invoked from a program, for example, compilers.javax.xml.bind Provides a runtime binding framework for client applications including unmarshalling, marshalling, and validation capabilities.javax.xml.datatype Defines XML/Java Type Mappings.javax.xml.parsers Provides the classes for processing XML documents with a SAX (Simple API for XML) parser or a DOM (Document Object Model) Document Defines interfaces and classes for the Streaming API for XML (StAX).javax.xml.transform Defines the generic APIs for processing transformation instructions, and performing a transformation from source to result.javax.xml.validation Provides an API for validation of XML documents.javax.xml.xpath Provides an object-model neutral API for the evaluation of XPath expressions and access to the evaluation environment. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.awt.datatransfer
Methods in java.awt.datatransfer with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description protected static Class<?>
DataFlavor. tryToLoadClass(String className, ClassLoader fallback)
Tries to load a class from: the bootstrap loader, the system loader, the context loader (if one is present) and finally the loader specified.Constructors in java.awt.datatransfer with parameters of type ClassLoader Constructor Description DataFlavor(String mimeType, String humanPresentableName, ClassLoader classLoader)
Constructs aDataFlavor
that represents aMimeType
. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.beans
Methods in java.beans with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static DefaultHandler
XMLDecoder. createHandler(Object owner, ExceptionListener el, ClassLoader cl)
Creates a new handler for SAX parser that can be used to parse embedded XML archives created by theXMLEncoder
class.static Object
Beans. instantiate(ClassLoader cls, String beanName)
Instantiate a JavaBean.static Object
Beans. instantiate(ClassLoader cls, String beanName, BeanContext beanContext)
Instantiate a JavaBean.static Object
Beans. instantiate(ClassLoader cls, String beanName, BeanContext beanContext, AppletInitializer initializer)
Deprecated.It is recommended to useBeans.instantiate(ClassLoader, String, BeanContext)
, because the Applet API is deprecated.Constructors in java.beans with parameters of type ClassLoader Constructor Description XMLDecoder(InputStream in, Object owner, ExceptionListener exceptionListener, ClassLoader cl)
Creates a new input stream for reading archives created by theXMLEncoder
class. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.lang
Methods in java.lang that return ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description ClassLoader
ModuleLayer. findLoader(String name)
Returns theClassLoader
for the module with the given name.ClassLoader
Class. getClassLoader()
Returns the class loader for the class.ClassLoader
Module. getClassLoader()
Returns theClassLoader
for this module.ClassLoader
Thread. getContextClassLoader()
Returns the contextClassLoader
for this thread.ClassLoader
ClassLoader. getParent()
Returns the parent class loader for delegation.static ClassLoader
ClassLoader. getPlatformClassLoader()
Returns the platform class loader.static ClassLoader
ClassLoader. getSystemClassLoader()
Returns the system class loader.Methods in java.lang with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description ModuleLayer
ModuleLayer. defineModulesWithManyLoaders(Configuration cf, ClassLoader parentLoader)
Creates a new module layer, with this layer as its parent, by defining the modules in the givenConfiguration
to the Java virtual machine.static ModuleLayer.Controller
ModuleLayer. defineModulesWithManyLoaders(Configuration cf, List<ModuleLayer> parentLayers, ClassLoader parentLoader)
Creates a new module layer by defining the modules in the givenConfiguration
to the Java virtual machine.ModuleLayer
ModuleLayer. defineModulesWithOneLoader(Configuration cf, ClassLoader parentLoader)
Creates a new module layer, with this layer as its parent, by defining the modules in the givenConfiguration
to the Java virtual machine.static ModuleLayer.Controller
ModuleLayer. defineModulesWithOneLoader(Configuration cf, List<ModuleLayer> parentLayers, ClassLoader parentLoader)
Creates a new module layer by defining the modules in the givenConfiguration
to the Java virtual machine.static Class<?>
Class. forName(String name, boolean initialize, ClassLoader loader)
Returns theClass
object associated with the class or interface with the given string name, using the given class loader.void
Thread. setContextClassLoader(ClassLoader cl)
Sets the context ClassLoader for this Thread.Method parameters in java.lang with type arguments of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description ModuleLayer
ModuleLayer. defineModules(Configuration cf, Function<String,ClassLoader> clf)
Creates a new module layer, with this layer as its parent, by defining the modules in the givenConfiguration
to the Java virtual machine.static ModuleLayer.Controller
ModuleLayer. defineModules(Configuration cf, List<ModuleLayer> parentLayers, Function<String,ClassLoader> clf)
Creates a new module layer by defining the modules in the givenConfiguration
to the Java virtual machine.Constructors in java.lang with parameters of type ClassLoader Constructor Description ClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)
Creates a new class loader using the specified parent class loader for delegation.ClassLoader(String name, ClassLoader parent)
Creates a new class loader of the specified name and using the specified parent class loader for delegation. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.lang.instrument
Methods in java.lang.instrument with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description Class[]
Instrumentation. getInitiatedClasses(ClassLoader loader)
Returns an array of all classes for whichloader
is an initiating loader.default byte[]
ClassFileTransformer. transform(ClassLoader loader, String className, Class<?> classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, byte[] classfileBuffer)
Transforms the given class file and returns a new replacement class file.default byte[]
ClassFileTransformer. transform(Module module, ClassLoader loader, String className, Class<?> classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, byte[] classfileBuffer)
Transforms the given class file and returns a new replacement class file. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.lang.invoke
Methods in java.lang.invoke with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static MethodType
MethodType. fromMethodDescriptorString(String descriptor, ClassLoader loader)
Finds or creates an instance of a method type, given the spelling of its bytecode descriptor. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.lang.reflect
Methods in java.lang.reflect with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static Class<?>
Proxy. getProxyClass(ClassLoader loader, Class<?>... interfaces)
Deprecated.Proxy classes generated in a named module are encapsulated and not accessible to code outside its module.static Object
Proxy. newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class<?>[] interfaces, InvocationHandler h)
Returns a proxy instance for the specified interfaces that dispatches method invocations to the specified invocation handler. -
Uses of ClassLoader in
Subclasses of ClassLoader in Modifier and Type Class Description class
This class loader is used to load classes and resources from a search path of URLs referring to both JAR files and directories.Methods in with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static URLClassLoader
URLClassLoader. newInstance(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent)
Creates a new instance of URLClassLoader for the specified URLs and parent class loader.Constructors in with parameters of type ClassLoader Constructor Description URLClassLoader(String name, URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent)
Constructs a new namedURLClassLoader
for the specified URLs.URLClassLoader(String name, URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory)
Constructs a new namedURLClassLoader
for the specified URLs, parent class loader, and URLStreamHandlerFactory.URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent)
Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the given URLs.URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory)
Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the specified URLs, parent class loader, and URLStreamHandlerFactory. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.nio.file
Methods in java.nio.file with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static FileSystem
FileSystems. newFileSystem(URI uri, Map<String,?> env, ClassLoader loader)
Constructs a new file system that is identified by aURI
static FileSystem
FileSystems. newFileSystem(Path path, ClassLoader loader)
Constructs a newFileSystem
to access the contents of a file as a file system. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.rmi.server
Methods in java.rmi.server that return ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static ClassLoader
RMIClassLoader. getClassLoader(String codebase)
Returns a class loader that loads classes from the given codebase URL path.abstract ClassLoader
RMIClassLoaderSpi. getClassLoader(String codebase)
Provides the implementation forRMIClassLoader.getClassLoader(String)
.Methods in java.rmi.server with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description Object
LoaderHandler. getSecurityContext(ClassLoader loader) replacementstatic Object
RMIClassLoader. getSecurityContext(ClassLoader loader) replacement.static Class<?>
RMIClassLoader. loadClass(String codebase, String name, ClassLoader defaultLoader)
Loads a class from a codebase URL path, optionally using the supplied loader.abstract Class<?>
RMIClassLoaderSpi. loadClass(String codebase, String name, ClassLoader defaultLoader)
Provides the implementation forRMIClassLoader.loadClass(URL,String)
, andRMIClassLoader.loadClass(String,String,ClassLoader)
.static Class<?>
RMIClassLoader. loadProxyClass(String codebase, String[] interfaces, ClassLoader defaultLoader)
Loads a dynamic proxy class (seeProxy
) that implements a set of interfaces with the given names from a codebase URL path.abstract Class<?>
RMIClassLoaderSpi. loadProxyClass(String codebase, String[] interfaces, ClassLoader defaultLoader)
Provides the implementation forRMIClassLoader.loadProxyClass(String,String[],ClassLoader)
. -
Uses of ClassLoader in
Subclasses of ClassLoader in Modifier and Type Class Description class
This class extends ClassLoader with additional support for defining classes with an associated code source and permissions which are retrieved by the system policy by default.Methods in that return ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description ClassLoader
ProtectionDomain. getClassLoader()
Returns the ClassLoader of this domain.Constructors in with parameters of type ClassLoader Constructor Description ProtectionDomain(CodeSource codesource, PermissionCollection permissions, ClassLoader classloader, Principal[] principals)
Creates a new ProtectionDomain qualified by the given CodeSource, Permissions, ClassLoader and array of Principals.SecureClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)
Creates a new SecureClassLoader using the specified parent class loader for delegation.SecureClassLoader(String name, ClassLoader parent)
Creates a newSecureClassLoader
of the specified name and using the specified parent class loader for delegation. -
Uses of ClassLoader in java.util
Methods in java.util with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static void
ResourceBundle. clearCache(ClassLoader loader)
Removes all resource bundles from the cache that have been loaded by the given class loader.static ResourceBundle
ResourceBundle. getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader)
Gets a resource bundle using the specified base name, locale, and class loader.static ResourceBundle
ResourceBundle. getBundle(String baseName, Locale targetLocale, ClassLoader loader, ResourceBundle.Control control)
Returns a resource bundle using the specified base name, target locale, class loader and control.static <S> ServiceLoader<S>
ServiceLoader. load(Class<S> service, ClassLoader loader)
Creates a new service loader for the given service.boolean
ResourceBundle.Control. needsReload(String baseName, Locale locale, String format, ClassLoader loader, ResourceBundle bundle, long loadTime)
Determines if the expiredbundle
in the cache needs to be reloaded based on the loading time given byloadTime
or some other criteria.ResourceBundle
ResourceBundle.Control. newBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, String format, ClassLoader loader, boolean reload)
Instantiates a resource bundle for the given bundle name of the given format and locale, using the given class loader if necessary. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.activation
Methods in javax.activation with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description Object
CommandInfo. getCommandObject(DataHandler dh, ClassLoader loader)
Return the instantiated JavaBean component. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.imageio.spi
Methods in javax.imageio.spi with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static <T> Iterator<T>
ServiceRegistry. lookupProviders(Class<T> providerClass, ClassLoader loader)
Searches for implementations of a particular service class using the given class loader. -
Uses of ClassLoader in
Methods in that return ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description ClassLoader
MBeanServer. getClassLoader(ObjectName loaderName)
Return the namedClassLoader
MBeanServer. getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName mbeanName)
Return theClassLoader
that was used for loading the class of the named MBean.Methods in with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static Class<?>
DefaultLoaderRepository. loadClassWithout(ClassLoader loader, String className)
Deprecated.Go through the list of class loaders but exclude the given class loader, then try to load the requested class. -
Uses of ClassLoader in
Subclasses of ClassLoader in Modifier and Type Class Description class
Allows you to instantiate and register one or several MBeans in the MBean server coming from a remote URL.class
An MLet that is not added to theClassLoaderRepository
.Methods in with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description Class<?>
ClassLoaderRepository. loadClassBefore(ClassLoader stop, String className)
Load the given class name through the list of class loaders, stopping at the given one.Class<?>
ClassLoaderRepository. loadClassWithout(ClassLoader exclude, String className)
Load the given class name through the list of class loaders, excluding the given one.static Class<?>
DefaultLoaderRepository. loadClassWithout(ClassLoader loader, String className)
Deprecated.Go through the list of class loaders but exclude the given class loader, then try to load the requested class.Constructors in with parameters of type ClassLoader Constructor Description MLet(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent)
Constructs a new MLet for the given URLs.MLet(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, boolean delegateToCLR)
Constructs a new MLet for the given URLs.MLet(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory)
Constructs a new MLet for the specified URLs, parent class loader, and URLStreamHandlerFactory.MLet(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory, boolean delegateToCLR)
Constructs a new MLet for the specified URLs, parent class loader, and URLStreamHandlerFactory.PrivateMLet(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, boolean delegateToCLR)
Constructs a new PrivateMLet for the given URLs.PrivateMLet(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory, boolean delegateToCLR)
Constructs a new PrivateMLet for the specified URLs, parent class loader, and URLStreamHandlerFactory. -
Uses of ClassLoader in
Methods in that return ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description ClassLoader
RMIServerImpl. getDefaultClassLoader()
Gets the defaultClassLoader
used by this connector server.Methods in with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description void
RMIServerImpl. setDefaultClassLoader(ClassLoader cl)
Sets the defaultClassLoader
for this connector server.Constructors in with parameters of type ClassLoader Constructor Description RMIConnectionImpl(RMIServerImpl rmiServer, String connectionId, ClassLoader defaultClassLoader, Subject subject, Map<String,?> env)
Constructs a newRMIConnection
. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.rmi.CORBA
Methods in javax.rmi.CORBA with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static Class
Util. loadClass(String className, String remoteCodebase, ClassLoader loader)
Returns a class instance for the specified class.Class
UtilDelegate. loadClass(String className, String remoteCodebase, ClassLoader loader)
Delegation call forUtil.loadClass(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)
. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.script
Constructors in javax.script with parameters of type ClassLoader Constructor Description ScriptEngineManager(ClassLoader loader)
This constructor loads the implementations ofScriptEngineFactory
visible to the givenClassLoader
using the service provider mechanism.
If loader isnull
, the script engine factories that are bundled with the platform are loaded. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.sql.rowset
Methods in javax.sql.rowset with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static RowSetFactory
RowSetProvider. newFactory(String factoryClassName, ClassLoader cl)
Creates a new instance of aRowSetFactory
from the specified factory class name. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.swing
Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description Class<? extends ComponentUI>
UIDefaults. getUIClass(String uiClassID, ClassLoader uiClassLoader)
The value ofget(uidClassID)
must be theString
name of a class that implements the correspondingComponentUI
class.static void
JEditorPane. registerEditorKitForContentType(String type, String classname, ClassLoader loader)
Establishes the default bindings oftype
. -
Uses of ClassLoader in
Methods in that return ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description ClassLoader
ForwardingJavaFileManager. getClassLoader(JavaFileManager.Location location)
JavaFileManager. getClassLoader(JavaFileManager.Location location)
Returns a class loader for loading plug-ins from the given package-oriented location.static ClassLoader
ToolProvider. getSystemToolClassLoader()
Deprecated.This method is subject to removal in a future version of Java SE. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.xml.bind
Methods in javax.xml.bind with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description JAXBContext
JAXBContextFactory. createContext(String contextPath, ClassLoader classLoader, Map<String,?> properties)
Create a new instance of aJAXBContext
class.static JAXBContext
JAXBContext. newInstance(String contextPath, ClassLoader classLoader)
Create a new instance of aJAXBContext
class.static JAXBContext
JAXBContext. newInstance(String contextPath, ClassLoader classLoader, Map<String,?> properties)
Create a new instance of aJAXBContext
class. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.xml.datatype
Methods in javax.xml.datatype with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static DatatypeFactory
DatatypeFactory. newInstance(String factoryClassName, ClassLoader classLoader)
Obtain a new instance of aDatatypeFactory
from class name. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.xml.parsers
Methods in javax.xml.parsers with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static DocumentBuilderFactory
DocumentBuilderFactory. newInstance(String factoryClassName, ClassLoader classLoader)
Obtain a new instance of aDocumentBuilderFactory
from class name.static SAXParserFactory
SAXParserFactory. newInstance(String factoryClassName, ClassLoader classLoader)
Obtain a new instance of aSAXParserFactory
from class name. -
Uses of ClassLoader in
Methods in with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static XMLEventFactory
XMLEventFactory. newFactory(String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader)
Create a new instance of the factory.static XMLInputFactory
XMLInputFactory. newFactory(String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader)
Create a new instance of the factory.static XMLOutputFactory
XMLOutputFactory. newFactory(String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader)
Create a new instance of the factory.static XMLEventFactory
XMLEventFactory. newInstance(String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader)
Deprecated.This method has been deprecated to maintain API consistency.static XMLInputFactory
XMLInputFactory. newInstance(String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader)
Deprecated.This method has been deprecated to maintain API consistency.static XMLInputFactory
XMLOutputFactory. newInstance(String factoryId, ClassLoader classLoader)
Deprecated.This method has been deprecated because it returns an instance of XMLInputFactory, which is of the wrong class. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.xml.transform
Methods in javax.xml.transform with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static TransformerFactory
TransformerFactory. newInstance(String factoryClassName, ClassLoader classLoader)
Obtain a new instance of aTransformerFactory
from factory class name. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.xml.validation
Methods in javax.xml.validation with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static SchemaFactory
SchemaFactory. newInstance(String schemaLanguage, String factoryClassName, ClassLoader classLoader)
Obtain a new instance of aSchemaFactory
from class name. -
Uses of ClassLoader in javax.xml.xpath
Methods in javax.xml.xpath with parameters of type ClassLoader Modifier and Type Method Description static XPathFactory
XPathFactory. newInstance(String uri, String factoryClassName, ClassLoader classLoader)
Obtain a new instance of aXPathFactory
from a factory class name.