This Specification defines version 10 of the Java Platform, Standard Edition.
Changes to this document since the Public Review are indicated by green changebars in the right margin, as illustrated by this text.
This release continues the evolution of the Platform to ensure the broadest possible success of the core Java technology. It adds features which address trends in the programming community and hardware architectures.
This document specifies API features, enhancements, clarifications, and bug fixes. The specifications of those changes are contained in two accompanying documents: Annex 1 is the complete Java SE 10 API Specification and Annex 2 is an annotated API specification showing the exact differences relative to Java SE 9. Informative background for these changes may be found in the list of approved Change Specification Requests for this release.
This Specification includes the Java SE 10 Editions of The Java Language Specification and The Java Virtual Machine Specification in Annex 3. The Java SE 10 Editions contain all corrections and clarifications made since the Java SE 9 Editions, as well as additions for new features.
This Specification also specifies features by reference to other Specifications which are revised in Maintenance Releases of existing JSRs.
Changes to the Java SE Platform Specification are categorized as either features or enhancements. A feature is, roughly speaking, a change of which at least one of the following statements is true:
Any addition that is not a feature is considered an enhancement.
There is, obviously, room for judgment when interpreting this definition. In order to maximize the visibility of Platform revisions we generally tend to consider borderline items to be features rather than enhancements.
Some Component JSR Specifications previously incorporated into the Platform are still available separately or have significant Specifications themselves. Changes to their Specifications are therefore made in separate Maintenance Releases, which are incorporated here by reference:
JSR 269: Pluggable Annotation-Processing API [MR 4]
Each Component JSR Specification, or revision thereto, may be related to one or more features in the detailed list below.
Work on features in the Java SE 10 Reference Implementation, which is the Java Development Kit, version 10 (JDK 10), is organized in terms of JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEPs). Each feature description includes a link to the corresponding JEP document as a convenience, but that document is not a normative part of this Specification.
Enhance java.util.Locale
and related APIs to implement additional Unicode extensions of BCP 47 language tags.
Revise the version-string scheme of the Java SE Platform and the JDK, and related versioning information, for present and future time-based release models.
Enhance the Java Language to extend type inference to declarations of local variables with initializers.
This Specification incorporates the following subsections by reference from Java SE 9 Platform Specification (JSR 379), “Modules”:
Following the conventions established by the Enhanced Deprecation feature,
various APIs were annotated with forRemoval=true
in the
Java SE 9 Platform Specification (JSR 379), “APIs
Proposed for Removal”, indicating that they were eligible for removal
in a future release.
The following APIs are removed from this Specification. They have all been deprecated since at least Java SE 1.2 and have been superseded by newer APIs.
The following modules were proposed for removal by the Java SE 9 Platform Specification, “APIs Proposed for Removal”, and continue to be eligible for removal in a future release. They are not removed from this Specification.
More information about these modules and their APIs is available in JEP 320. Standalone versions of the APIs and their implementations are readily available. It is strongly recommended to migrate to standalone versions as soon as possible.
The following APIs were proposed for removal by the Java SE 9 Platform Specification, and continue to be eligible for removal in a future release. They are not removed from this Specification.
Finally, the following APIs are annotated as @Deprecated
with forRemoval=true
in this Specification. This makes them
eligible for removal in a future release of the Platform.
Additional details about deprecations, including potential alternatives, may be found in the Deprecated API list of the API Specification. Migration away from deprecated APIs is strongly encouraged.