1 # 2 # Copyright (c) 1998, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3 # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. 4 # 5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as 7 # published by the Free Software Foundation. 8 # 9 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 10 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 11 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License 12 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that 13 # accompanied this code). 14 # 15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 16 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 17 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 18 # 19 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA 20 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any 21 # questions. 22 # 23 # 24 25 # Note: this makefile is invoked both from build.bat and from the J2SE 26 # control workspace in exactly the same manner; the required 27 # environment variables (Variant, WorkSpace, BootStrapDir, BuildUser, HOTSPOT_BUILD_VERSION) 28 # are passed in as command line arguments. 29 30 # Note: Running nmake or build.bat from the Windows command shell requires 31 # that "sh" be accessible on the PATH. An MKS install does this. 32 33 # SA components are built if BUILD_WIN_SA=1 is specified. 34 # See notes in README. This produces files: 35 # 1. sa-jdi.jar - This is built before building jvm.dll 36 # 2. sawindbg.dll - Native library for SA - This is built after jvm.dll 37 # - Also, .lib, .map, .pdb. 38 # 39 # Please refer to ./makefiles/sa.make 40 41 # If we haven't set an ARCH yet use x86 42 # create.bat and build.bat will set it, if used. 43 !ifndef ARCH 44 ARCH=x86 45 !endif 46 47 48 # Must be one of these values (if value comes in from env, can't trust it) 49 !if "$(ARCH)" != "x86" 50 !if "$(ARCH)" != "ia64" 51 ARCH=x86 52 !endif 53 !endif 54 55 # At this point we should be certain that ARCH has a definition 56 # now determine the BUILDARCH 57 # 58 59 # the default BUILDARCH 60 BUILDARCH=i486 61 62 # Allow control workspace to force Itanium or AMD64 builds with LP64 63 ARCH_TEXT= 64 !ifdef LP64 65 !if "$(LP64)" == "1" 66 ARCH_TEXT=64-Bit 67 !if "$(ARCH)" == "x86" 68 BUILDARCH=amd64 69 !else 70 BUILDARCH=ia64 71 !endif 72 !endif 73 !endif 74 75 !if "$(BUILDARCH)" != "ia64" 76 !ifndef CC_INTERP 77 !ifndef FORCE_TIERED 78 FORCE_TIERED=1 79 !endif 80 !endif 81 !endif 82 83 !if "$(BUILDARCH)" == "amd64" 84 Platform_arch=x86 85 Platform_arch_model=x86_64 86 !endif 87 !if "$(BUILDARCH)" == "i486" 88 Platform_arch=x86 89 Platform_arch_model=x86_32 90 !endif 91 92 # Supply these from the command line or the environment 93 # It doesn't make sense to default this one 94 Variant= 95 # It doesn't make sense to default this one 96 WorkSpace= 97 98 variantDir = windows_$(BUILDARCH)_$(Variant) 99 100 realVariant=$(Variant) 101 VARIANT_TEXT=Core 102 !if "$(Variant)" == "compiler1" 103 VARIANT_TEXT=Client 104 !elseif "$(Variant)" == "compiler2" 105 !if "$(FORCE_TIERED)" == "1" 106 VARIANT_TEXT=Server 107 realVariant=tiered 108 !else 109 VARIANT_TEXT=Server 110 !endif 111 !elseif "$(Variant)" == "tiered" 112 VARIANT_TEXT=Tiered 113 !endif 114 115 ######################################################################### 116 # Parameters for VERSIONINFO resource for jvm.dll. 117 # These can be overridden via the nmake.exe command line. 118 # They are overridden by RE during the control builds. 119 # 120 !include "$(WorkSpace)/make/jdk_version" 121 122 # Define HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO based on settings in make/openjdk_distro 123 # or make/hotspot_distro. 124 !ifndef HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO 125 !if exists($(WorkSpace)\src\closed) 126 !include $(WorkSpace)\make\hotspot_distro 127 !else 128 !include $(WorkSpace)\make\openjdk_distro 129 !endif 130 !endif 131 132 HS_FILEDESC=$(HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO) $(ARCH_TEXT) $(VARIANT_TEXT) VM 133 134 # JDK ProductVersion: 135 # 1.5.0_<wx>-b<yz> will have DLL version 5.0.wx*10.yz 136 # Thus, 1.5.0_10-b04 will be 137 # 1.6.0-b01 will be 138 # 1.6.0_01a-b02 will be 139 # 140 # STANDALONE_JDK_* variables are defined in make/jdk_version or on command line 141 # 142 !if "$(JDK_VER)" == "" 143 JDK_VER=$(STANDALONE_JDK_MAJOR_VER),$(STANDALONE_JDK_MINOR_VER),$(STANDALONE_JDK_SECURITY_VER),$(STANDALONE_JDK_PATCH_VER) 144 !endif 145 !if "$(JDK_DOTVER)" == "" 146 JDK_DOTVER=$(STANDALONE_JDK_MAJOR_VER).$(STANDALONE_JDK_MINOR_VER).$(STANDALONE_JDK_SECURITY_VER).$(STANDALONE_JDK_PATCH_VER) 147 !endif 148 !if "$(VERSION_SHORT)" == "" 149 VERSION_SHORT=$(STANDALONE_JDK_MAJOR_VER).$(STANDALONE_JDK_MINOR_VER).$(STANDALONE_JDK_SECURITY_VER) 150 !endif 151 152 HS_VER=$(JDK_VER) 153 HS_DOTVER=$(JDK_DOTVER) 154 155 !if "$(HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION)" == "" 156 HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION=$(VERSION_STRING) 157 !endif 158 159 !if "$(HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING)" == "" 160 HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING=$(HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION) 161 !endif 162 163 # End VERSIONINFO parameters 164 165 # if hotspot-only build and/or OPENJDK isn't passed down, need to set OPENJDK 166 !ifndef OPENJDK 167 !if !exists($(WorkSpace)\src\closed) 168 OPENJDK=true 169 !endif 170 !endif 171 172 # We don't support SA on ia64, and we can't 173 # build it if we are using a version of Vis Studio 174 # older than .Net 2003. 175 # SA_INCLUDE and SA_LIB are hold-overs from a previous 176 # implementation in which we could build SA using 177 # Debugging Tools For Windows, in which the .h/.lib files 178 # and the .dlls are in different places than 179 # they are for Vis Studio .Net 2003. 180 # If that code ever needs to be resurrected, these vars 181 # can be set here. They are used in makefiles/sa.make. 182 183 checkSA:: 184 185 !if "$(BUILD_WIN_SA)" != "1" 186 checkSA:: 187 @echo Not building SA: BUILD_WIN_SA != 1 188 189 !elseif "$(ARCH)" == "ia64" 190 BUILD_WIN_SA = 0 191 checkSA:: 192 @echo Not building SA: ARCH = ia64 193 194 !endif # ! "$(BUILD_WIN_SA)" != "1" 195 196 ######################################################################### 197 198 defaultTarget: product 199 200 # The product or release build is an optimized build, and is the default 201 202 # note that since all the build targets depend on local.make that BUILDARCH 203 # and Platform_arch and Platform_arch_model will get set in local.make 204 # and there is no need to pass them thru here on the command line 205 # 206 product release optimized: checks $(variantDir) $(variantDir)\local.make sanity 207 cd $(variantDir) 208 nmake -nologo -f $(WorkSpace)\make\windows\makefiles\top.make BUILD_FLAVOR=product ARCH=$(ARCH) 209 210 # The debug build is an optional build 211 debug: checks $(variantDir) $(variantDir)\local.make sanity 212 cd $(variantDir) 213 nmake -nologo -f $(WorkSpace)\make\windows\makefiles\top.make BUILD_FLAVOR=debug ARCH=$(ARCH) 214 fastdebug: checks $(variantDir) $(variantDir)\local.make sanity 215 cd $(variantDir) 216 nmake -nologo -f $(WorkSpace)\make\windows\makefiles\top.make BUILD_FLAVOR=fastdebug ARCH=$(ARCH) 217 218 # target to create just the directory structure 219 tree: checks $(variantDir) $(variantDir)\local.make sanity 220 mkdir $(variantDir)\product 221 mkdir $(variantDir)\debug 222 mkdir $(variantDir)\fastdebug 223 224 sanity: 225 @ echo; 226 @ cd $(variantDir) 227 @ nmake -nologo -f $(WorkSpace)\make\windows\makefiles\sanity.make 228 @ cd .. 229 @ echo; 230 231 clean: checkVariant 232 - rm -r -f $(variantDir) 233 234 $(variantDir): 235 mkdir $(variantDir) 236 237 $(variantDir)\local.make: checks 238 @ echo # Generated file > $@ 239 @ echo Variant=$(realVariant) >> $@ 240 @ echo WorkSpace=$(WorkSpace) >> $@ 241 @ echo BootStrapDir=$(BootStrapDir) >> $@ 242 @ if "$(USERNAME)" NEQ "" echo BuildUser=$(USERNAME) >> $@ 243 @ echo HS_VER=$(HS_VER) >> $@ 244 @ echo HS_DOTVER=$(HS_DOTVER) >> $@ 245 @ echo HS_COMPANY=$(COMPANY_NAME) >> $@ 246 @ echo HS_FILEDESC=$(HS_FILEDESC) >> $@ 247 @ echo HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO=$(HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO) >> $@ 248 @ if "$(OPENJDK)" NEQ "" echo OPENJDK=$(OPENJDK) >> $@ 249 @ echo HS_COPYRIGHT=$(HOTSPOT_VM_COPYRIGHT) >> $@ 250 @ echo HS_NAME=$(PRODUCT_NAME) $(VERSION_SHORT) >> $@ 251 @ echo HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING=$(HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING) >> $@ 252 @ echo BUILD_WIN_SA=$(BUILD_WIN_SA) >> $@ 253 @ echo SA_BUILD_VERSION=$(HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING) >> $@ 254 @ echo SA_INCLUDE=$(SA_INCLUDE) >> $@ 255 @ echo SA_LIB=$(SA_LIB) >> $@ 256 @ echo JDK_VER=$(JDK_VER) >> $@ 257 @ echo JDK_DOTVER=$(JDK_DOTVER) >> $@ 258 @ echo VERSION_STRING=$(VERSION_STRING) >> $@ 259 @ echo BUILDARCH=$(BUILDARCH) >> $@ 260 @ echo Platform_arch=$(Platform_arch) >> $@ 261 @ echo Platform_arch_model=$(Platform_arch_model) >> $@ 262 @ echo CXX=$(CXX) >> $@ 263 @ echo LD=$(LD) >> $@ 264 @ echo MT=$(MT) >> $@ 265 @ echo RC=$(RC) >> $@ 266 @ sh $(WorkSpace)/make/windows/get_msc_ver.sh >> $@ 267 @ if "$(ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS)" NEQ "" echo ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=$(ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS) >> $@ 268 @ if "$(ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES)" NEQ "" echo ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=$(ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES) >> $@ 269 @ if "$(RM)" NEQ "" echo RM=$(RM) >> $@ 270 @ if "$(CP)" NEQ "" echo CP=$(CP) >> $@ 271 @ if "$(MV)" NEQ "" echo MV=$(MV) >> $@ 272 @ if "$(ZIPEXE)" NEQ "" echo ZIPEXE=$(ZIPEXE) >> $@ 273 274 checks: checkVariant checkWorkSpace checkSA 275 276 checkVariant: 277 @ if "$(Variant)"=="" echo Need to specify "Variant=[tiered|compiler2|compiler1|core]" && false 278 @ if "$(Variant)" NEQ "tiered" if "$(Variant)" NEQ "compiler2" if "$(Variant)" NEQ "compiler1" if "$(Variant)" NEQ "core" \ 279 echo Need to specify "Variant=[tiered|compiler2|compiler1|core]" && false 280 281 checkWorkSpace: 282 @ if "$(WorkSpace)"=="" echo Need to specify "WorkSpace=..." && false 283 284 checkBuildID: 285 @ if "$(BuildID)"=="" echo Need to specify "BuildID=..." && false --- EOF ---