1 # 2 # Copyright (c) 1998, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3 # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. 4 # 5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as 7 # published by the Free Software Foundation. 8 # 9 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 10 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 11 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License 12 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that 13 # accompanied this code). 14 # 15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 16 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 17 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. 18 # 19 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA 20 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any 21 # questions. 22 # 23 # 24 25 # Rules to build JVM and related libraries, included from vm.make in the build 26 # directory. 27 28 # Common build rules. 29 MAKEFILES_DIR=$(GAMMADIR)/make/$(Platform_os_family)/makefiles 30 include $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/rules.make 31 include $(GAMMADIR)/make/altsrc.make 32 33 default: build 34 35 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 # Defs 37 38 GENERATED = ../generated 39 DEP_DIR = $(GENERATED)/dependencies 40 41 # reads the generated files defining the set of .o's and the .o .h dependencies 42 -include $(DEP_DIR)/*.d 43 44 # read machine-specific adjustments (%%% should do this via buildtree.make?) 45 include $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/$(BUILDARCH).make 46 47 # set VPATH so make knows where to look for source files 48 # Src_Dirs_V is everything in src/share/vm/*, plus the right os/*/vm and cpu/*/vm 49 # The adfiles directory contains ad_<arch>.[ch]pp. 50 # The jvmtifiles directory contains jvmti*.[ch]pp 51 Src_Dirs_V += $(GENERATED)/adfiles $(GENERATED)/jvmtifiles $(GENERATED)/tracefiles 52 VPATH += $(Src_Dirs_V:%=%:) 53 54 # set INCLUDES for C preprocessor 55 Src_Dirs_I += $(GENERATED) 56 INCLUDES += $(Src_Dirs_I:%=-I%) 57 58 # SYMFLAG is used by {dtrace,jsig,saproc}.make. 59 ifeq ($(ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS),1) 60 # always build with debug info when we can create .debuginfo files 61 # and disable 'lazy debug info' so the .so has everything. 62 SYMFLAG = -g -xs 63 else 64 ifeq (${VERSION}, debug) 65 SYMFLAG = -g 66 else 67 SYMFLAG = 68 endif 69 endif 70 71 # The following variables are defined in the generated flags.make file. 72 JDK_VER_DEFS = -DVERSION_MAJOR=$(VERSION_MAJOR) \ 73 -DVERSION_MINOR=$(VERSION_MINOR) \ 74 -DVERSION_SECURITY=$(VERSION_SECURITY) \ 75 -DVERSION_BUILD=$(VERSION_BUILD) 76 VM_VER_DEFS = -DHOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING="\"$(HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING)\"" \ 77 -DVERSION_STRING="\"$(VERSION_STRING)\"" \ 78 $(JDK_VER_DEFS) 79 HS_LIB_ARCH = -DHOTSPOT_LIB_ARCH=\"$(LIBARCH)\" 80 BUILD_USER = -DHOTSPOT_BUILD_USER="\"$(HOTSPOT_BUILD_USER)\"" 81 VM_DISTRO = -DHOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO="\"$(HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO)\"" 82 83 CXXFLAGS = \ 84 ${SYSDEFS} \ 85 ${INCLUDES} \ 86 ${BUILD_USER} \ 87 ${HS_LIB_ARCH} \ 88 ${VM_DISTRO} 89 90 # This is VERY important! The version define must only be supplied to vm_version.o 91 # If not, ccache will not re-use the cache at all, since the version string might contain 92 # a time and date. 93 CXXFLAGS/vm_version.o += ${VM_VER_DEFS} 94 95 CXXFLAGS/BYFILE = $(CXXFLAGS/$@) 96 97 # File specific flags 98 CXXFLAGS += $(CXXFLAGS/BYFILE) 99 100 # Large File Support 101 ifneq ($(LP64), 1) 102 CXXFLAGS/ostream.o += -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 103 endif # ifneq ($(LP64), 1) 104 105 # CFLAGS_WARN holds compiler options to suppress/enable warnings. 106 CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_WARN) 107 108 # Do not use C++ exception handling 109 CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS/NOEX) 110 111 # Extra flags from gnumake's invocation or environment 112 CFLAGS += $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) 113 114 # Math Library (libm.so), do not use -lm. 115 # There might be two versions of libm.so on the build system: 116 # libm.so.1 and libm.so.2, and we want libm.so.1. 117 # Depending on the Solaris release being used to build with, 118 # /usr/lib/libm.so could point at a libm.so.2, so we are 119 # explicit here so that the libjvm.so you have built will work on an 120 # older Solaris release that might not have libm.so.2. 121 # This is a critical factor in allowing builds on Solaris 10 or newer 122 # to run on Solaris 8 or 9. 123 # 124 LIBM=/usr/lib$(ISA_DIR)/libm.so.1 125 126 ifeq ("${Platform_compiler}", "sparcWorks") 127 # The whole megilla: 128 ifeq ($(shell expr $(COMPILER_REV_NUMERIC) \>= 505), 1) 129 # Old Comment: List the libraries in the order the compiler was designed for 130 # Not sure what the 'designed for' comment is referring too above. 131 # The order may not be too significant anymore, but I have placed this 132 # older libm before libCrun, just to make sure it's found and used first. 133 LIBS += -lsocket -lsched -ldl $(LIBM) -lCrun -lthread -ldoor -lc -ldemangle -lnsl 134 else 135 ifeq ($(COMPILER_REV_NUMERIC), 502) 136 # SC6.1 has it's own libm.so: specifying anything else provokes a name conflict. 137 LIBS += -ldl -lthread -lsocket -lm -lsched -ldoor -ldemangle 138 else 139 LIBS += -ldl -lthread -lsocket $(LIBM) -lsched -ldoor -ldemangle 140 endif # 502 141 endif # 505 142 else 143 LIBS += -lsocket -lsched -ldl $(LIBM) -lthread -lc -ldemangle 144 endif # sparcWorks 145 146 LIBS += -lkstat 147 148 # By default, link the *.o into the library, not the executable. 149 LINK_INTO$(LINK_INTO) = LIBJVM 150 151 JDK_LIBDIR = $(JAVA_HOME)/lib/$(LIBARCH) 152 153 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 154 # jvm_db & dtrace 155 include $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/dtrace.make 156 157 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 158 # JVM 159 160 JVM = jvm 161 LIBJVM = lib$(JVM).so 162 163 LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO = lib$(JVM).debuginfo 164 LIBJVM_DIZ = lib$(JVM).diz 165 166 SPECIAL_PATHS:=adlc c1 dist gc opto shark libadt 167 168 SOURCE_PATHS=\ 169 $(shell find $(HS_COMMON_SRC)/share/vm/* -type d \! \ 170 \( -name DUMMY $(foreach dir,$(SPECIAL_PATHS),-o -name $(dir)) \)) 171 SOURCE_PATHS+=$(HS_COMMON_SRC)/os/$(Platform_os_family)/vm 172 SOURCE_PATHS+=$(HS_COMMON_SRC)/os/posix/vm 173 SOURCE_PATHS+=$(HS_COMMON_SRC)/cpu/$(Platform_arch)/vm 174 SOURCE_PATHS+=$(HS_COMMON_SRC)/os_cpu/$(Platform_os_arch)/vm 175 176 CORE_PATHS=$(foreach path,$(SOURCE_PATHS),$(call altsrc,$(path)) $(path)) 177 CORE_PATHS+=$(GENERATED)/jvmtifiles $(GENERATED)/tracefiles 178 179 ifneq ($(INCLUDE_TRACE), false) 180 CORE_PATHS+=$(shell if [ -d $(HS_ALT_SRC)/share/vm/jfr ]; then \ 181 find $(HS_ALT_SRC)/share/vm/jfr -type d; \ 182 fi) 183 endif 184 185 COMPILER1_PATHS := $(call altsrc,$(HS_COMMON_SRC)/share/vm/c1) 186 COMPILER1_PATHS += $(HS_COMMON_SRC)/share/vm/c1 187 188 COMPILER2_PATHS := $(call altsrc,$(HS_COMMON_SRC)/share/vm/opto) 189 COMPILER2_PATHS += $(call altsrc,$(HS_COMMON_SRC)/share/vm/libadt) 190 COMPILER2_PATHS += $(HS_COMMON_SRC)/share/vm/opto 191 COMPILER2_PATHS += $(HS_COMMON_SRC)/share/vm/libadt 192 COMPILER2_PATHS += $(GENERATED)/adfiles 193 194 # Include dirs per type. 195 Src_Dirs/CORE := $(CORE_PATHS) 196 Src_Dirs/COMPILER1 := $(CORE_PATHS) $(COMPILER1_PATHS) 197 Src_Dirs/COMPILER2 := $(CORE_PATHS) $(COMPILER2_PATHS) 198 Src_Dirs/TIERED := $(CORE_PATHS) $(COMPILER1_PATHS) $(COMPILER2_PATHS) 199 Src_Dirs/ZERO := $(CORE_PATHS) 200 Src_Dirs/SHARK := $(CORE_PATHS) 201 Src_Dirs := $(Src_Dirs/$(TYPE)) 202 203 COMPILER2_SPECIFIC_FILES := opto libadt bcEscapeAnalyzer.cpp c2_\* runtime_\* 204 COMPILER1_SPECIFIC_FILES := c1_\* 205 SHARK_SPECIFIC_FILES := shark 206 ZERO_SPECIFIC_FILES := zero 207 208 # Always exclude these. 209 Src_Files_EXCLUDE := dtrace jsig.c jvmtiEnvRecommended.cpp jvmtiEnvStub.cpp 210 211 # Exclude per type. 212 Src_Files_EXCLUDE/CORE := $(COMPILER1_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(COMPILER2_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(ZERO_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(SHARK_SPECIFIC_FILES) ciTypeFlow.cpp 213 Src_Files_EXCLUDE/COMPILER1 := $(COMPILER2_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(ZERO_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(SHARK_SPECIFIC_FILES) ciTypeFlow.cpp 214 Src_Files_EXCLUDE/COMPILER2 := $(COMPILER1_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(ZERO_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(SHARK_SPECIFIC_FILES) 215 Src_Files_EXCLUDE/TIERED := $(ZERO_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(SHARK_SPECIFIC_FILES) 216 Src_Files_EXCLUDE/ZERO := $(COMPILER1_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(COMPILER2_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(SHARK_SPECIFIC_FILES) ciTypeFlow.cpp 217 Src_Files_EXCLUDE/SHARK := $(COMPILER1_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(COMPILER2_SPECIFIC_FILES) $(ZERO_SPECIFIC_FILES) 218 219 Src_Files_EXCLUDE += $(Src_Files_EXCLUDE/$(TYPE)) 220 221 # Special handling of arch model. 222 ifeq ($(Platform_arch_model), x86_32) 223 Src_Files_EXCLUDE += \*x86_64\* 224 endif 225 ifeq ($(Platform_arch_model), x86_64) 226 Src_Files_EXCLUDE += \*x86_32\* 227 endif 228 229 # Locate all source files in the given directory, excluding files in Src_Files_EXCLUDE. 230 define findsrc 231 $(notdir $(shell find $(1)/. ! -name . -prune \ 232 -a \( -name \*.c -o -name \*.cpp -o -name \*.s \) \ 233 -a ! \( -name DUMMY $(addprefix -o -name ,$(Src_Files_EXCLUDE)) \))) 234 endef 235 236 Src_Files := $(foreach e,$(Src_Dirs),$(call findsrc,$(e))) 237 238 Obj_Files = $(sort $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(Src_Files)))) 239 240 JVM_OBJ_FILES = $(Obj_Files) $(DTRACE_OBJS) 241 242 vm_version.o: $(filter-out vm_version.o,$(JVM_OBJ_FILES)) 243 244 mapfile : $(MAPFILE) $(MAPFILE_DTRACE_OPT) vm.def mapfile_ext 245 rm -f $@ 246 cat $(MAPFILE) $(MAPFILE_DTRACE_OPT) \ 247 | $(NAWK) '{ \ 248 if ($$0 ~ "INSERT VTABLE SYMBOLS HERE") { \ 249 system ("cat mapfile_ext"); \ 250 system ("cat vm.def"); \ 251 } else { \ 252 print $$0; \ 253 } \ 254 }' > $@ 255 256 mapfile_extended : mapfile $(MAPFILE_DTRACE_OPT) 257 rm -f $@ 258 cat $^ > $@ 259 260 vm.def: $(Obj_Files) 261 sh $(GAMMADIR)/make/solaris/makefiles/build_vm_def.sh *.o > $@ 262 263 mapfile_ext: 264 rm -f $@ 265 touch $@ 266 if [ -f $(HS_ALT_MAKE)/solaris/makefiles/mapfile-ext ]; then \ 267 cat $(HS_ALT_MAKE)/solaris/makefiles/mapfile-ext > $@; \ 268 fi 269 270 ifeq ($(LINK_INTO),AOUT) 271 LIBJVM.o = 272 LIBJVM_MAPFILE = 273 LIBS_VM = $(LIBS) 274 else 275 LIBJVM.o = $(JVM_OBJ_FILES) 276 LIBJVM_MAPFILE$(LDNOMAP) = mapfile_extended 277 LFLAGS_VM$(LDNOMAP) += $(MAPFLAG:FILENAME=$(LIBJVM_MAPFILE)) 278 LFLAGS_VM += $(SONAMEFLAG:SONAME=$(LIBJVM)) 279 LFLAGS_VM += -Wl,-z,defs 280 ifndef USE_GCC 281 LIBS_VM = $(LIBS) 282 else 283 # JVM is statically linked with libgcc[_s] and libstdc++; this is needed to 284 # get around library dependency and compatibility issues. Must use gcc not 285 # g++ to link. 286 LFLAGS_VM += $(STATIC_LIBGCC) 287 LIBS_VM += $(STATIC_STDCXX) $(LIBS) 288 endif 289 endif 290 291 LFLAGS_VM += $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) 292 293 ifdef USE_GCC 294 LINK_VM = $(LINK_LIB.CC) 295 else 296 LINK_VM = $(LINK_LIB.CXX) 297 endif 298 # making the library: 299 $(LIBJVM): $(LIBJVM.o) $(LIBJVM_MAPFILE) 300 ifeq ($(filter -sbfast -xsbfast, $(CFLAGS_BROWSE)),) 301 @echo $(LOG_INFO) Linking vm... 302 $(QUIETLY) $(LINK_LIB.CXX/PRE_HOOK) 303 $(QUIETLY) $(LINK_VM) $(LFLAGS_VM) -o $@ $(sort $(LIBJVM.o)) $(LIBS_VM) 304 $(QUIETLY) $(LINK_LIB.CXX/POST_HOOK) 305 $(QUIETLY) rm -f $@.1 && ln -s $@ $@.1 306 ifeq ($(ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS),1) 307 $(QUIETLY) $(OBJCOPY) --only-keep-debug $@ $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) 308 $(QUIETLY) $(OBJCOPY) --add-gnu-debuglink=$(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) $@ 309 ifeq ($(STRIP_POLICY),all_strip) 310 $(QUIETLY) $(STRIP) $@ 311 else 312 ifeq ($(STRIP_POLICY),min_strip) 313 $(QUIETLY) $(STRIP) -x $@ 314 # implied else here is no stripping at all 315 endif 316 endif 317 ifeq ($(ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES),1) 318 $(ZIPEXE) -q -y $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) 319 $(RM) $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) 320 endif 321 endif 322 endif # filter -sbfast -xsbfast 323 324 325 DEST_SUBDIR = $(JDK_LIBDIR)/$(VM_SUBDIR) 326 DEST_JVM = $(DEST_SUBDIR)/$(LIBJVM) 327 DEST_JVM_DEBUGINFO = $(DEST_SUBDIR)/$(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) 328 DEST_JVM_DIZ = $(DEST_SUBDIR)/$(LIBJVM_DIZ) 329 330 install_jvm: $(LIBJVM) 331 @echo "Copying $(LIBJVM) to $(DEST_JVM)" 332 $(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) || \ 333 $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM_DEBUGINFO) $(DEST_JVM_DEBUGINFO) 334 $(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) || \ 335 $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM_DIZ) $(DEST_JVM_DIZ) 336 $(QUIETLY) $(CP) -f $(LIBJVM) $(DEST_JVM) && echo "Done" 337 338 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 339 # Other files 340 341 # Signal interposition library 342 include $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/jsig.make 343 344 # Serviceability agent 345 include $(MAKEFILES_DIR)/saproc.make 346 347 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 348 349 build: $(LIBJVM) $(LAUNCHER) $(LIBJSIG) $(LIBJVM_DB) $(LIBJVM_DTRACE) $(BUILDLIBSAPROC) dtraceCheck 350 351 install: install_jvm install_jsig install_saproc 352 353 .PHONY: default build install install_jvm --- EOF ---