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rev 50570 : 8204943: Improve message of ArrayStoreException.
*** 129,147 ****
void TypeArrayKlass::copy_array(arrayOop s, int src_pos, arrayOop d, int dst_pos, int length, TRAPS) {
assert(s->is_typeArray(), "must be type array");
! // Check destination
! if (!d->is_typeArray() || element_type() != TypeArrayKlass::cast(d->klass())->element_type()) {
! THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_ArrayStoreException());
! // Check is all offsets and lengths are non negative
if (src_pos < 0 || dst_pos < 0 || length < 0) {
// Pass specific exception reason.
! ResourceMark rm;
stringStream ss;
if (src_pos < 0) {
ss.print("arraycopy: source index %d out of bounds for %s[%d]",
src_pos, type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(s->klass())->element_type()], s->length());
} else if (dst_pos < 0) {
--- 129,163 ----
void TypeArrayKlass::copy_array(arrayOop s, int src_pos, arrayOop d, int dst_pos, int length, TRAPS) {
assert(s->is_typeArray(), "must be type array");
! // Check destination type.
! if (!d->is_typeArray()) {
! ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
! stringStream ss;
! if (d->is_objArray()) {
! ss.print("arraycopy: type mismatch: can not copy %s[] into object array[]",
! type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(s->klass())->element_type()]);
! } else {
! ss.print("arraycopy: destination type %s is not an array", d->klass()->external_name());
! }
! THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_ArrayStoreException(), ss.as_string());
! }
! if (element_type() != TypeArrayKlass::cast(d->klass())->element_type()) {
! ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
! stringStream ss;
! ss.print("arraycopy: type mismatch: can not copy %s[] into %s[]",
! type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(s->klass())->element_type()],
! type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(d->klass())->element_type()]);
! THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_ArrayStoreException(), ss.as_string());
! // Check if all offsets and lengths are non negative.
if (src_pos < 0 || dst_pos < 0 || length < 0) {
// Pass specific exception reason.
! ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
stringStream ss;
if (src_pos < 0) {
ss.print("arraycopy: source index %d out of bounds for %s[%d]",
src_pos, type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(s->klass())->element_type()], s->length());
} else if (dst_pos < 0) {
*** 154,164 ****
// Check if the ranges are valid
if ((((unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) src_pos) > (unsigned int) s->length()) ||
(((unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) dst_pos) > (unsigned int) d->length())) {
// Pass specific exception reason.
! ResourceMark rm;
stringStream ss;
if (((unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) src_pos) > (unsigned int) s->length()) {
ss.print("arraycopy: last source index %u out of bounds for %s[%d]",
(unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) src_pos,
type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(s->klass())->element_type()], s->length());
--- 170,180 ----
// Check if the ranges are valid
if ((((unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) src_pos) > (unsigned int) s->length()) ||
(((unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) dst_pos) > (unsigned int) d->length())) {
// Pass specific exception reason.
! ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
stringStream ss;
if (((unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) src_pos) > (unsigned int) s->length()) {
ss.print("arraycopy: last source index %u out of bounds for %s[%d]",
(unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) src_pos,
type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(s->klass())->element_type()], s->length());
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