1 main.usage.summary=\
   2 Usage: {0} <options> <path ...>]\n\
   3 use -h, -?, -help, or --help for a list of possible options
   5 main.usage=\
   6 Usage: {0} <options> <path ...>]\n\
   7 <path> can be a pathname to a .class file, a directory, a JAR file.\n\
   8 \n\
   9 Possible options include:
  11 error.prefix=Error:
  12 warn.prefix=Warning:
  14 main.opt.h=\
  15 \  -h -? -help\n\
  16 \  --help                        Print this usage message
  18 main.opt.version=\
  19 \  -version --version            Version information
  21 main.opt.v=\
  22 \  -v       -verbose             Print all class level dependences\n\
  23 \                                Equivalent to -verbose:class -filter:none.\n\
  24 \  -verbose:package              Print package-level dependences excluding\n\
  25 \                                dependences within the same package by default\n\
  26 \  -verbose:class                Print class-level dependences excluding\n\
  27 \                                dependences within the same package by default
  29 main.opt.s=\
  30 \  -s       -summary             Print dependency summary only.
  32 main.opt.f=\
  33 \  -f <regex> -filter <regex>    Filter dependences matching the given\n\
  34 \                                pattern. If given multiple times, the last\n\
  35 \                                one will be used.\n\
  36 \  -filter:package               Filter dependences within the same package.\n\
  37 \                                This is the default.\n\
  38 \  -filter:archive               Filter dependences within the same archive.\n\
  39 \  -filter:module                Filter dependences within the same module.\n\
  40 \  -filter:none                  No -filter:package and -filter:archive\n\
  41 \                                filtering.  Filtering specified via the\n\
  42 \                                -filter option still applies.\n\
  44 main.opt.p=\n\
  45 \Options to filter dependences:\n\
  46 \  -p <pkg>\n\
  47 \  -package <pkg>\n\
  48 \  --package <pkg>               Finds dependences matching the given package\n\
  49 \                                name (may be given multiple times).
  51 main.opt.e=\
  52 \  -e <regex>\n\
  53 \  -regex <regex>\n\
  54 \  --regex <regex>               Finds dependences matching the given pattern.
  56 main.opt.require=\
  57 \  --require <module-name>       Finds dependences matching the given module\n\
  58 \                                name (may be given multiple times). --package,\n\
  59 \                                --regex, --require are mutual exclusive.
  61 main.opt.include=\n\
  62  \Options to filter classes to be analyzed:\n\
  63 \  -include <regex>              Restrict analysis to classes matching pattern\n\
  64 \                                This option filters the list of classes to\n\
  65 \                                be analyzed.  It can be used together with\n\
  66 \                                -p and -e which apply pattern to the dependences
  68 main.opt.P=\
  69 \  -P       -profile             Show profile containing a package
  71 main.opt.cp=\
  72 \  -cp <path>\n\
  73 \  -classpath <path>\n\
  74 \  --class-path <path>           Specify where to find class files
  76 main.opt.module-path=\
  77 \  --module-path <module path>   Specify module path
  79 main.opt.upgrade-module-path=\
  80 \  --upgrade-module-path <module path>  Specify upgrade module path
  82 main.opt.system=\
  83 \  --system <java-home>          Specify an alternate system module path
  85 main.opt.add-modules=\
  86 \  --add-modules <module-name>[,<module-name>...]\n\
  87 \                                Adds modules to the root set for analysis
  89 main.opt.R=\
  90 \  -R       -recursive           Recursively traverse all run-time dependences.\n\
  91 \                                The -R option implies -filter:none.  If -p,\n\
  92 \                                -e, -f option is specified, only the matching\n\
  93 \                                dependences are analyzed.
  95 main.opt.I=\
  96 \  -I       --inverse            Analyzes the dependences per other given options\n\
  97 \                                and then find all artifacts that directly\n\
  98 \                                and indirectly depend on the matching nodes.\n\
  99 \                                This is equivalent to the inverse of\n\
 100 \                                compile-time view analysis and print\n\
 101 \                                dependency summary.  This option must use\n\
 102 \                                with --require, --package or --regex option.
 104 main.opt.compile-time=\
 105 \  --compile-time                Compile-time view of transitive dependences\n\
 106 \                                i.e. compile-time view of -R option.\n\
 107 \                                Analyzes the dependences per other given options\n\
 108 \                                If a dependence is found from a directory,\n\
 109 \                                a JAR file or a module, all classes in that \n\
 110 \                                containing archive are analyzed.
 112 main.opt.apionly=\
 113 \  -apionly\n\
 114 \  --api-only                    Restrict analysis to APIs i.e. dependences\n\
 115 \                                from the signature of public and protected\n\
 116 \                                members of public classes including field\n\
 117 \                                type, method parameter types, returned type,\n\
 118 \                                checked exception types etc.
 120 main.opt.m=\n\
 121 \Module dependence analysis options:\n\
 122 \  -m <module-name>\n\
 123 \  --module <module-name>        Specify the root module for analysis
 125 main.opt.generate-module-info=\
 126 \  --generate-module-info <dir>  Generate module-info.java under the specified\n\
 127 \                                directory. The specified JAR files will be\n\
 128 \                                analyzed. This option cannot be used with\n\
 129 \                                --dot-output or --class-path. Use \n\
 130 \                                --generate-open-module option for open modules.
 132 main.opt.generate-open-module=\
 133 \  --generate-open-module <dir>  Generate module-info.java for the specified\n\
 134 \                                JAR files under the specified directory as\n\
 135 \                                open modules. This option cannot be used with\n\
 136 \                                --dot-output or --class-path.
 138 main.opt.check=\
 139 \  --check <module-name>[,<module-name>...\n\
 140 \                                Analyze the dependence of the specified modules\n\
 141 \                                It prints the module descriptor, the resulting\n\
 142 \                                module dependences after analysis and the\n\
 143 \                                graph after transition reduction.  It also\n\
 144 \                                identifies any unused qualified exports.
 146 main.opt.dotoutput=\
 147 \  -dotoutput <dir>\n\
 148 \  --dot-output <dir>            Destination directory for DOT file output
 150 main.opt.jdkinternals=\
 151 \  -jdkinternals\n\
 152 \  --jdk-internals               Finds class-level dependences on JDK internal\n\
 153 \                                APIs. By default, it analyzes all classes\n\
 154 \                                on --class-path and input files unless -include\n\
 155 \                                option is specified. This option cannot be\n\
 156 \                                used with -p, -e and -s options.\n\
 157 \                                WARNING: JDK internal APIs are inaccessible.
 159 main.opt.list-deps=\
 160 \  --list-deps                   Lists the module dependences.  It also prints\n\
 161 \                                any JDK internal API packages if referenced.\n\
 162 \                                This option does not show dependences on the\n\
 163 \                                class path or not found.
 165 main.opt.list-reduced-deps=\
 166 \  --list-reduced-deps           Same as --list-deps with not listing\n\
 167 \                                the implied reads edges from the module graph.\n\
 168 \                                If module M1 reads M2, and M2 requires\n\
 169 \                                transitive on M3, then M1 reading M3 is implied\n\
 170 \                                and is not shown in the graph.
 172 main.opt.print-module-deps=\
 173 \  --print-module-deps           Same as --list-reduced-deps with printing\n\
 174 \                                a comma-separated list of module dependences.\n\
 175 \                                This output can be used by jlink --add-modules\n\
 176 \                                in order to create a custom image containing\n\
 177 \                                those modules and their transitive dependences.
 179 main.opt.depth=\
 180 \  -depth=<depth>                Specify the depth of the transitive\n\
 181 \                                dependency analysis
 183 main.opt.q=\
 184 \  -q       -quiet               Suppress warning messages
 186 main.opt.multi-release=\
 187 \  --multi-release <version>     Specifies the version when processing\n\
 188 \                                multi-release jar files.  <version> should\n\
 189 \                                be integer >= 9 or base.
 191 err.command.set={0} and {1} options are specified.
 192 err.unknown.option=unknown option: {0}
 193 err.missing.arg=no value given for {0}
 194 err.missing.dependences=missing dependencies
 195 err.invalid.arg.for.option=invalid argument for option: {0}
 196 err.option.after.class=option must be specified before classes: {0}
 197 err.genmoduleinfo.not.jarfile={0} is a modular JAR file that cannot be specified with the --generate-module-info option
 198 err.genmoduleinfo.unnamed.package={0} contains an unnamed package that is not allowed in a module
 199 err.profiles.msg=No profile information
 200 err.exception.message={0}
 201 err.invalid.path=invalid path: {0}
 202 err.invalid.options={0} cannot be used with {1} option
 203 err.module.not.found=module not found: {0}
 204 err.root.module.not.set=root module set empty
 205 err.option.already.specified={0} option specified more than once.
 206 err.filter.not.specified=--package (-p), --regex (-e), --require option must be specified
 207 err.multirelease.option.exists={0} is not a multi-release jar file but --multi-release option is set
 208 err.multirelease.option.notfound={0} is a multi-release jar file but --multi-release option is not set
 209 err.multirelease.version.associated=class {0} already associated with version {1}, trying to add version {2}
 210 err.multirelease.jar.malformed=malformed multi-release jar, {0}, bad entry: {1}
 211 warn.invalid.arg=Path does not exist: {0}
 212 warn.skipped.entry={0}
 213 warn.split.package=split package: {0} {1}
 214 warn.replace.useJDKInternals=\
 215 JDK internal APIs are unsupported and private to JDK implementation that are\n\
 216 subject to be removed or changed incompatibly and could break your application.\n\
 217 Please modify your code to eliminate dependence on any JDK internal APIs.\n\
 218 For the most recent update on JDK internal API replacements, please check:\n\
 219 {0}
 221 inverse.transitive.dependencies.on=Inverse transitive dependences on {0}
 222 inverse.transitive.dependencies.matching=Inverse transitive dependences matching {0}
 223 internal.api.column.header=JDK Internal API
 224 public.api.replacement.column.header=Suggested Replacement
 225 artifact.not.found=not found
 226 jdeps.wiki.url=https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/JDK8/Java+Dependency+Analysis+Tool