62 class Klass : public Metadata {
63 friend class VMStructs;
64 friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
65 protected:
66 // note: put frequently-used fields together at start of klass structure
67 // for better cache behavior (may not make much of a difference but sure won't hurt)
68 enum { _primary_super_limit = 8 };
70 // The "layout helper" is a combined descriptor of object layout.
71 // For klasses which are neither instance nor array, the value is zero.
72 //
73 // For instances, layout helper is a positive number, the instance size.
74 // This size is already passed through align_object_size and scaled to bytes.
75 // The low order bit is set if instances of this class cannot be
76 // allocated using the fastpath.
77 //
78 // For arrays, layout helper is a negative number, containing four
79 // distinct bytes, as follows:
80 // MSB:[tag, hsz, ebt, log2(esz)]:LSB
81 // where:
82 // tag is 0x80 if the elements are oops, 0xC0 if non-oops
83 // hsz is array header size in bytes (i.e., offset of first element)
84 // ebt is the BasicType of the elements
85 // esz is the element size in bytes
86 // This packed word is arranged so as to be quickly unpacked by the
87 // various fast paths that use the various subfields.
88 //
89 // The esz bits can be used directly by a SLL instruction, without masking.
90 //
91 // Note that the array-kind tag looks like 0x00 for instance klasses,
92 // since their length in bytes is always less than 24Mb.
93 //
94 // Final note: This comes first, immediately after C++ vtable,
95 // because it is frequently queried.
96 jint _layout_helper;
98 // The fields _super_check_offset, _secondary_super_cache, _secondary_supers
99 // and _primary_supers all help make fast subtype checks. See big discussion
100 // in doc/server_compiler/checktype.txt
101 //
102 // Where to look to observe a supertype (it is &_secondary_super_cache for
299 static ByteSize super_check_offset_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _super_check_offset)); }
300 static ByteSize primary_supers_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _primary_supers)); }
301 static ByteSize secondary_super_cache_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _secondary_super_cache)); }
302 static ByteSize secondary_supers_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _secondary_supers)); }
303 static ByteSize java_mirror_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _java_mirror)); }
304 static ByteSize modifier_flags_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _modifier_flags)); }
305 static ByteSize layout_helper_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _layout_helper)); }
306 static ByteSize access_flags_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _access_flags)); }
308 // Unpacking layout_helper:
309 enum {
310 _lh_neutral_value = 0, // neutral non-array non-instance value
311 _lh_instance_slow_path_bit = 0x01,
312 _lh_log2_element_size_shift = BitsPerByte*0,
313 _lh_log2_element_size_mask = BitsPerLong-1,
314 _lh_element_type_shift = BitsPerByte*1,
315 _lh_element_type_mask = right_n_bits(BitsPerByte), // shifted mask
316 _lh_header_size_shift = BitsPerByte*2,
317 _lh_header_size_mask = right_n_bits(BitsPerByte), // shifted mask
319 // Additional array type bits
320 _lh_valuetype_bit = 29, // maybe objArray or valueArrayOop
322 _lh_array_tag_bits = 2,
323 _lh_array_tag_shift = BitsPerInt - _lh_array_tag_bits,
324 _lh_array_tag_type_value = ~0x00, // 0xC0000000 >> 30
325 _lh_array_tag_obj_value = ~0x01 // 0x80000000 >> 30
326 };
328 static int layout_helper_size_in_bytes(jint lh) {
329 assert(lh > (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be instance");
330 return (int) lh & ~_lh_instance_slow_path_bit;
331 }
332 static bool layout_helper_needs_slow_path(jint lh) {
333 assert(lh > (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be instance");
334 return (lh & _lh_instance_slow_path_bit) != 0;
335 }
336 static bool layout_helper_is_instance(jint lh) {
337 return (jint)lh > (jint)_lh_neutral_value;
338 }
339 static bool layout_helper_is_array(jint lh) {
340 return (jint)lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value;
341 }
342 static bool layout_helper_is_typeArray(jint lh) {
343 return _lh_array_tag_type_value == (lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
344 }
345 static bool layout_helper_is_objArray(jint lh) {
346 return _lh_array_tag_obj_value == (lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
347 }
348 static bool layout_helper_is_valueArray(jint lh) {
349 return (lh >> _lh_valuetype_bit) & 1;
350 }
351 static int layout_helper_header_size(jint lh) {
352 assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
353 int hsize = (lh >> _lh_header_size_shift) & _lh_header_size_mask;
354 assert(hsize > 0 && hsize < (int)sizeof(oopDesc)*3, "sanity");
355 return hsize;
356 }
357 static BasicType layout_helper_element_type(jint lh) {
358 assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
359 int btvalue = (lh >> _lh_element_type_shift) & _lh_element_type_mask;
360 assert((btvalue >= T_BOOLEAN && btvalue <= T_OBJECT) || btvalue == T_VALUETYPE, "sanity");
361 return (BasicType) btvalue;
362 }
363 static int layout_helper_log2_element_size(jint lh) {
364 assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
365 int l2esz = (lh >> _lh_log2_element_size_shift) & _lh_log2_element_size_mask;
366 assert(l2esz <= LogBitsPerLong,
367 "sanity. l2esz: 0x%x for lh: 0x%x", (uint)l2esz, (uint)lh);
368 return l2esz;
369 }
62 class Klass : public Metadata {
63 friend class VMStructs;
64 friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
65 protected:
66 // note: put frequently-used fields together at start of klass structure
67 // for better cache behavior (may not make much of a difference but sure won't hurt)
68 enum { _primary_super_limit = 8 };
70 // The "layout helper" is a combined descriptor of object layout.
71 // For klasses which are neither instance nor array, the value is zero.
72 //
73 // For instances, layout helper is a positive number, the instance size.
74 // This size is already passed through align_object_size and scaled to bytes.
75 // The low order bit is set if instances of this class cannot be
76 // allocated using the fastpath.
77 //
78 // For arrays, layout helper is a negative number, containing four
79 // distinct bytes, as follows:
80 // MSB:[tag, hsz, ebt, log2(esz)]:LSB
81 // where:
82 // tag is 0x80 if the elements are oops, 0xC0 if non-oops, 0xA0 if value types
83 // hsz is array header size in bytes (i.e., offset of first element)
84 // ebt is the BasicType of the elements
85 // esz is the element size in bytes
86 // This packed word is arranged so as to be quickly unpacked by the
87 // various fast paths that use the various subfields.
88 //
89 // The esz bits can be used directly by a SLL instruction, without masking.
90 //
91 // Note that the array-kind tag looks like 0x00 for instance klasses,
92 // since their length in bytes is always less than 24Mb.
93 //
94 // Final note: This comes first, immediately after C++ vtable,
95 // because it is frequently queried.
96 jint _layout_helper;
98 // The fields _super_check_offset, _secondary_super_cache, _secondary_supers
99 // and _primary_supers all help make fast subtype checks. See big discussion
100 // in doc/server_compiler/checktype.txt
101 //
102 // Where to look to observe a supertype (it is &_secondary_super_cache for
299 static ByteSize super_check_offset_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _super_check_offset)); }
300 static ByteSize primary_supers_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _primary_supers)); }
301 static ByteSize secondary_super_cache_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _secondary_super_cache)); }
302 static ByteSize secondary_supers_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _secondary_supers)); }
303 static ByteSize java_mirror_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _java_mirror)); }
304 static ByteSize modifier_flags_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _modifier_flags)); }
305 static ByteSize layout_helper_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _layout_helper)); }
306 static ByteSize access_flags_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _access_flags)); }
308 // Unpacking layout_helper:
309 enum {
310 _lh_neutral_value = 0, // neutral non-array non-instance value
311 _lh_instance_slow_path_bit = 0x01,
312 _lh_log2_element_size_shift = BitsPerByte*0,
313 _lh_log2_element_size_mask = BitsPerLong-1,
314 _lh_element_type_shift = BitsPerByte*1,
315 _lh_element_type_mask = right_n_bits(BitsPerByte), // shifted mask
316 _lh_header_size_shift = BitsPerByte*2,
317 _lh_header_size_mask = right_n_bits(BitsPerByte), // shifted mask
319 _lh_array_tag_bits = 3,
320 _lh_array_tag_shift = BitsPerInt - _lh_array_tag_bits,
321 _lh_array_tag_type_value = ~0x3, // bits ~100 compare as int, ie. sign extended
322 _lh_array_tag_vt_value = ~0x2, // bits ~101
323 _lh_array_tag_obj_value = ~0x1, // bits ~110
324 };
326 static int layout_helper_size_in_bytes(jint lh) {
327 assert(lh > (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be instance");
328 return (int) lh & ~_lh_instance_slow_path_bit;
329 }
330 static bool layout_helper_needs_slow_path(jint lh) {
331 assert(lh > (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be instance");
332 return (lh & _lh_instance_slow_path_bit) != 0;
333 }
334 static bool layout_helper_is_instance(jint lh) {
335 return (jint)lh > (jint)_lh_neutral_value;
336 }
337 static bool layout_helper_is_array(jint lh) {
338 return (jint)lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value;
339 }
340 static bool layout_helper_is_typeArray(jint lh) {
341 return _lh_array_tag_type_value == (lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
342 }
343 static bool layout_helper_is_objArray(jint lh) {
344 return _lh_array_tag_obj_value == (lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
345 }
346 static bool layout_helper_is_valueArray(jint lh) {
347 return _lh_array_tag_vt_value == (lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
348 }
349 static int layout_helper_header_size(jint lh) {
350 assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
351 int hsize = (lh >> _lh_header_size_shift) & _lh_header_size_mask;
352 assert(hsize > 0 && hsize < (int)sizeof(oopDesc)*3, "sanity");
353 return hsize;
354 }
355 static BasicType layout_helper_element_type(jint lh) {
356 assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
357 int btvalue = (lh >> _lh_element_type_shift) & _lh_element_type_mask;
358 assert((btvalue >= T_BOOLEAN && btvalue <= T_OBJECT) || btvalue == T_VALUETYPE, "sanity");
359 return (BasicType) btvalue;
360 }
361 static int layout_helper_log2_element_size(jint lh) {
362 assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
363 int l2esz = (lh >> _lh_log2_element_size_shift) & _lh_log2_element_size_mask;
364 assert(l2esz <= LogBitsPerLong,
365 "sanity. l2esz: 0x%x for lh: 0x%x", (uint)l2esz, (uint)lh);
366 return l2esz;
367 }