260 size_t allocated_bytes) {
261 _g1h->retire_gc_alloc_region(alloc_region, allocated_bytes, _purpose);
262 }
264 size_t G1GCAllocRegion::retire(bool fill_up) {
265 HeapRegion* retired = get();
266 size_t end_waste = G1AllocRegion::retire(fill_up);
267 // Do not count retirement of the dummy allocation region.
268 if (retired != NULL) {
269 _stats->add_region_end_waste(end_waste / HeapWordSize);
270 }
271 return end_waste;
272 }
274 HeapRegion* OldGCAllocRegion::release() {
275 HeapRegion* cur = get();
276 if (cur != NULL) {
277 // Determine how far we are from the next card boundary. If it is smaller than
278 // the minimum object size we can allocate into, expand into the next card.
279 HeapWord* top = cur->top();
280 HeapWord* aligned_top = (HeapWord*)align_ptr_up(top, G1BlockOffsetTable::N_bytes);
282 size_t to_allocate_words = pointer_delta(aligned_top, top, HeapWordSize);
284 if (to_allocate_words != 0) {
285 // We are not at a card boundary. Fill up, possibly into the next, taking the
286 // end of the region and the minimum object size into account.
287 to_allocate_words = MIN2(pointer_delta(cur->end(), cur->top(), HeapWordSize),
288 MAX2(to_allocate_words, G1CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()));
290 // Skip allocation if there is not enough space to allocate even the smallest
291 // possible object. In this case this region will not be retained, so the
292 // original problem cannot occur.
293 if (to_allocate_words >= G1CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()) {
294 HeapWord* dummy = attempt_allocation(to_allocate_words, true /* bot_updates */);
295 CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(dummy, to_allocate_words);
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 return G1AllocRegion::release();
300 }
260 size_t allocated_bytes) {
261 _g1h->retire_gc_alloc_region(alloc_region, allocated_bytes, _purpose);
262 }
264 size_t G1GCAllocRegion::retire(bool fill_up) {
265 HeapRegion* retired = get();
266 size_t end_waste = G1AllocRegion::retire(fill_up);
267 // Do not count retirement of the dummy allocation region.
268 if (retired != NULL) {
269 _stats->add_region_end_waste(end_waste / HeapWordSize);
270 }
271 return end_waste;
272 }
274 HeapRegion* OldGCAllocRegion::release() {
275 HeapRegion* cur = get();
276 if (cur != NULL) {
277 // Determine how far we are from the next card boundary. If it is smaller than
278 // the minimum object size we can allocate into, expand into the next card.
279 HeapWord* top = cur->top();
280 HeapWord* aligned_top = (HeapWord*)align_ptr_up(top, BOTConstants::N_bytes);
282 size_t to_allocate_words = pointer_delta(aligned_top, top, HeapWordSize);
284 if (to_allocate_words != 0) {
285 // We are not at a card boundary. Fill up, possibly into the next, taking the
286 // end of the region and the minimum object size into account.
287 to_allocate_words = MIN2(pointer_delta(cur->end(), cur->top(), HeapWordSize),
288 MAX2(to_allocate_words, G1CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()));
290 // Skip allocation if there is not enough space to allocate even the smallest
291 // possible object. In this case this region will not be retained, so the
292 // original problem cannot occur.
293 if (to_allocate_words >= G1CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()) {
294 HeapWord* dummy = attempt_allocation(to_allocate_words, true /* bot_updates */);
295 CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(dummy, to_allocate_words);
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 return G1AllocRegion::release();
300 }