/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import org.testng.ITestResult; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import tools.javac.combo.JavacTemplateTestBase; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; @Test public class ExpSwitchNestingTest extends JavacTemplateTestBase { private static final String RUNNABLE = "Runnable r = () -> { # };"; private static final String INT_FN = "java.util.function.IntSupplier r = () -> { # };"; private static final String LABEL = "label: #"; private static final String DEF_LABEL_VAR = "int label = 0; { # }"; private static final String FOR = "for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { # }"; private static final String FOR_EACH = "for (int i : new int[] {}) { # }"; private static final String WHILE = "while (cond) { # }"; private static final String DO = "do { # } while (cond);"; private static final String SSWITCH = "switch (x) { case 0: # };"; private static final String ESWITCH_Z = "int res = switch (x) { case 0 -> { # } default -> 0; };"; private static final String ESWITCH_S = "String res_string = switch (x) { case 0 -> { # } default -> \"default\"; };"; private static final String INT_FN_ESWITCH = "java.util.function.IntSupplier r = switch (x) { case 0 -> { # } default -> null; };"; private static final String INT_ESWITCH_DEFAULT = "int res = switch (x) { default -> { # } };"; private static final String IF = "if (cond) { # } else throw new RuntimeException();"; private static final String BLOCK = "{ # }"; private static final String BREAK_Z = "break 0;"; private static final String BREAK_S = "break \"hello world\";"; private static final String BREAK_INT_FN = "break () -> 0 ;"; private static final String BREAK_N = "break;"; private static final String BREAK_L = "break label;"; private static final String RETURN_Z = "return 0;"; private static final String RETURN_N = "return;"; private static final String RETURN_S = "return \"Hello\";"; private static final String CONTINUE_N = "continue;"; private static final String CONTINUE_L = "continue label;"; private static final String NOTHING = "System.out.println();"; // containers that do not require exhaustiveness private static final List<String> CONTAINERS = List.of(RUNNABLE, FOR, WHILE, DO, SSWITCH, IF, BLOCK); // containers that do not require exhaustiveness that are statements private static final List<String> CONTAINER_STATEMENTS = List.of(FOR, WHILE, DO, SSWITCH, IF, BLOCK); @AfterMethod public void dumpTemplateIfError(ITestResult result) { // Make sure offending template ends up in log file on failure if (!result.isSuccess()) { System.err.printf("Diagnostics: %s%nTemplate: %s%n", diags.errorKeys(), sourceFiles.stream().map(p -> p.snd).collect(toList())); } } private static String[] PREVIEW_OPTIONS = {"--enable-preview", "-source", Integer.toString(Runtime.version().feature())}; private void program(String... constructs) { String s = "class C { static boolean cond = false; static int x = 0; void m() { # } }"; for (String c : constructs) s = s.replace("#", c); addSourceFile("C.java", new StringTemplate(s)); } private void assertOK(String... constructs) { reset(); addCompileOptions(PREVIEW_OPTIONS); program(constructs); try { compile(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } assertCompileSucceeded(); } private void assertOKWithWarning(String warning, String... constructs) { reset(); addCompileOptions(PREVIEW_OPTIONS); program(constructs); try { compile(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } assertCompileSucceededWithWarning(warning); } private void assertFail(String expectedDiag, String... constructs) { reset(); addCompileOptions(PREVIEW_OPTIONS); program(constructs); try { compile(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } assertCompileFailed(expectedDiag); } public void testReallySimpleCases() { for (String s : CONTAINERS) assertOK(s, NOTHING); for (String s : CONTAINER_STATEMENTS) assertOK(LABEL, s, NOTHING); } public void testLambda() { assertOK(RUNNABLE, RETURN_N); assertOK(RUNNABLE, NOTHING); assertOK(INT_FN, RETURN_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.outside.switch.loop", RUNNABLE, BREAK_N); assertFail("compiler.err.break.complex.value.no.switch.expression", RUNNABLE, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.complex.value.no.switch.expression", RUNNABLE, BREAK_S); assertFail("compiler.err.break.outside.switch.loop", INT_FN, BREAK_N); assertFail("compiler.err.break.complex.value.no.switch.expression", INT_FN, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.complex.value.no.switch.expression", INT_FN, BREAK_S); assertFail("compiler.err.cont.outside.loop", RUNNABLE, CONTINUE_N); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", RUNNABLE, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", RUNNABLE, CONTINUE_L); assertFail("compiler.err.cont.outside.loop", INT_FN, CONTINUE_N); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", INT_FN, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", INT_FN, CONTINUE_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", LABEL, BLOCK, RUNNABLE, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", LABEL, BLOCK, RUNNABLE, CONTINUE_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", LABEL, BLOCK, INT_FN, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", LABEL, BLOCK, INT_FN, CONTINUE_L); } public void testEswitch() { //Int-valued switch expressions assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_Z); assertOK(LABEL, BLOCK, ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.missing.value", ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_N); assertFail("compiler.err.prob.found.req", ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_S); assertFail("compiler.err.cant.resolve.location", ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.break.outside.switch.expression", LABEL, BLOCK, ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", ESWITCH_Z, CONTINUE_L); assertFail("compiler.err.cont.outside.loop", ESWITCH_Z, CONTINUE_N); assertFail("compiler.err.return.outside.switch.expression", ESWITCH_Z, RETURN_N); assertFail("compiler.err.return.outside.switch.expression", ESWITCH_Z, RETURN_Z); assertOK(INT_ESWITCH_DEFAULT, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.missing.value", INT_ESWITCH_DEFAULT, BREAK_N); assertFail("compiler.err.prob.found.req", INT_ESWITCH_DEFAULT, BREAK_S); assertFail("compiler.err.cant.resolve.location", INT_ESWITCH_DEFAULT, BREAK_L); // String-valued switch expressions assertOK(ESWITCH_S, BREAK_S); assertOK(LABEL, BLOCK, ESWITCH_S, BREAK_S); assertFail("compiler.err.break.missing.value", ESWITCH_S, BREAK_N); assertFail("compiler.err.prob.found.req", ESWITCH_S, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.cant.resolve.location", ESWITCH_S, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.break.outside.switch.expression", LABEL, BLOCK, ESWITCH_S, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", ESWITCH_S, CONTINUE_L); assertFail("compiler.err.cont.outside.loop", ESWITCH_S, CONTINUE_N); assertFail("compiler.err.return.outside.switch.expression", ESWITCH_S, RETURN_N); assertFail("compiler.err.return.outside.switch.expression", ESWITCH_S, RETURN_S); // Function-valued switch expression assertOK(INT_FN_ESWITCH, BREAK_INT_FN); assertFail("compiler.err.break.missing.value", INT_FN_ESWITCH, BREAK_N); assertFail("compiler.err.prob.found.req", INT_FN_ESWITCH, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.prob.found.req", INT_FN_ESWITCH, BREAK_S); assertFail("compiler.err.cant.resolve.location", INT_FN_ESWITCH, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.break.outside.switch.expression", LABEL, BLOCK, INT_FN_ESWITCH, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.undef.label", INT_FN_ESWITCH, CONTINUE_L); assertFail("compiler.err.cont.outside.loop", INT_FN_ESWITCH, CONTINUE_N); assertFail("compiler.err.return.outside.switch.expression", INT_FN_ESWITCH, RETURN_N); assertFail("compiler.err.return.outside.switch.expression", INT_FN_ESWITCH, RETURN_S); } public void testNestedInExpSwitch() { assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, IF, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, BREAK_Z); // assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, IF, IF, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, IF, BLOCK, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, IF, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, BLOCK, BREAK_Z); // assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, IF, IF, IF, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, IF, IF, BLOCK, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, IF, BLOCK, IF, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, IF, BLOCK, BLOCK, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, IF, IF, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, IF, BLOCK, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, BLOCK, IF, BREAK_Z); assertOK(ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK, BREAK_Z); // assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, SSWITCH, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, FOR, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, WHILE, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, DO, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.complex.value.no.switch.expression", ESWITCH_Z, INT_FN, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, SSWITCH, IF, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, FOR, IF, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, WHILE, IF, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, DO, IF, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, SSWITCH, IF, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, FOR, IF, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, WHILE, IF, BREAK_Z); assertFail("compiler.err.break.expr.not.immediate", ESWITCH_Z, BLOCK, DO, IF, BREAK_Z); } public void testBreakExpressionLabelDisambiguation() { assertOK(DEF_LABEL_VAR, ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.break.ambiguous.target", LABEL, FOR, BLOCK, DEF_LABEL_VAR, ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_L); assertFail("compiler.err.break.ambiguous.target", DEF_LABEL_VAR, ESWITCH_Z, LABEL, FOR, BREAK_L); //label break assertFail("compiler.err.break.ambiguous.target", DEF_LABEL_VAR, LABEL, BLOCK, ESWITCH_Z, BREAK_L); //expression break // } public void testFunReturningSwitchExp() { assertOK(INT_FN_ESWITCH, BREAK_INT_FN); } public void testContinueLoops() { assertOK(LABEL, FOR, CONTINUE_L); assertOK(LABEL, FOR_EACH, CONTINUE_L); assertOK(LABEL, WHILE, CONTINUE_L); assertOK(LABEL, DO, CONTINUE_L); assertFail("compiler.err.not.loop.label", LABEL, CONTINUE_L); } }