1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug 6233345 6381699 6381702 6381705 6381706
  27  * @summary Encode many char sequences in many ways
  28  * @run main/timeout=1200 FindEncoderBugs
  29  * @author Martin Buchholz
  30  * @key randomness
  31  */
  33 import java.util.*;
  34 import java.util.regex.*;
  35 import java.nio.*;
  36 import java.nio.charset.*;
  38 public class FindEncoderBugs {
  40     static boolean isBroken(String csn) {
  41         if (csn.equals("x-COMPOUND_TEXT")) return true;
  42         return false;
  43     }
  45     static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> List<T> sort(Collection<T> c) {
  46         List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(c);
  47         Collections.sort(list);
  48         return list;
  49     }
  51     static class TooManyFailures extends RuntimeException {
  52         private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
  53     }
  55     static String string(byte[] a) {
  56         final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  57         for (byte b : a) {
  58             if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append(' ');
  59             sb.append(String.format("%02x", b & 0xff));
  60         }
  61         return sb.toString();
  62     }
  64     static String string(char[] a) {
  65         final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  66         for (char c : a) {
  67             if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append(' ');
  68             sb.append(String.format("\\u%04x", (int) c));
  69         }
  70         return sb.toString();
  71     }
  73     static class Reporter {
  74         // Some machinery to make sure only a small number of errors
  75         // that are "too similar" are reported.
  76         static class Counts extends HashMap<String, Long> {
  77             private static final long serialVersionUID = -1;
  78             long inc(String signature) {
  79                 Long count = get(signature);
  80                 if (count == null) count = 0L;
  81                 put(signature, count+1);
  82                 return count+1;
  83             }
  84         }
  86         final Counts failureCounts = new Counts();
  87         final static long maxFailures = 2;
  89         final static Pattern hideBytes = Pattern.compile("\"[0-9a-f ]+\"");
  90         final static Pattern hideChars = Pattern.compile("\\\\u[0-9a-f]{4}");
  92         boolean bug(String format, Object... args) {
  93             String signature = String.format(format, args);
  94             //      signature = hideBytes.matcher(signature).replaceAll("\"??\"");
  95             //      signature = hideChars.matcher(signature).replaceAll("\\u????");
  96             failed++;
  97             if (failureCounts.inc(signature) <= maxFailures) {
  98                 System.out.printf(format, args);
  99                 System.out.println();
 100                 return true;
 101             }
 102             return false;
 103         }
 105         void summarize() {
 106             for (String key : sort(failureCounts.keySet()))
 107                 System.out.printf("-----%n%s%nfailures=%d%n",
 108                                   key, failureCounts.get(key));
 109         }
 110     }
 112     static final Reporter reporter = new Reporter();
 114     static class Result {
 115         final int limit;
 116         final int ipos;
 117         final boolean direct;
 118         final char[] ia;
 119         final byte[] oa;
 120         final CoderResult cr;
 122         private static byte[] toByteArray(ByteBuffer bb) {
 123             byte[] bytes = new byte[bb.position()];
 124             for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
 125                 bytes[i] = bb.get(i);
 126             return bytes;
 127         }
 129         Result(CharBuffer ib, ByteBuffer ob, CoderResult cr) {
 130             ipos = ib.position();
 131             ia = toArray(ib);
 132             oa = toArray(ob);
 133             direct = ib.isDirect();
 134             limit = ob.limit();
 135             this.cr = cr;
 136         }
 138         static char[] toArray(CharBuffer b) {
 139             int pos = b.position();
 140             char[] a = new char[b.limit()];
 141             b.position(0);
 142             b.get(a);
 143             b.position(pos);
 144             return a;
 145         }
 147         static byte[] toArray(ByteBuffer b) {
 148             byte[] a = new byte[b.position()];
 149             b.position(0);
 150             b.get(a);
 151             return a;
 152         }
 154         static boolean eq(Result x, Result y) {
 155             return x == y ||
 156                 (x != null && y != null &&
 157                  (Arrays.equals(x.oa, y.oa) &&
 158                   x.ipos == y.ipos &&
 159                   x.cr == y.cr));
 160         }
 162         public String toString() {
 163             return String.format("\"%s\"[%d/%d] => %s \"%s\"[%d/%d]%s",
 164                                  string(ia), ipos, ia.length,
 165                                  cr, string(oa), oa.length, limit,
 166                                  (direct ? " (direct)" : ""));
 167         }
 168     }
 170     static class CharsetTester {
 171         private final Charset cs;
 172         private final boolean hasBom;
 173         private static final int maxFailures = 5;
 174         private int failures = 0;
 175         // private static final long maxCharsetFailures = Long.MAX_VALUE;
 176         private static final long maxCharsetFailures = 10000L;
 177         private final long failed0 = failed;
 179         // legend: r=regular d=direct In=Input Ou=Output
 180         static final int maxBufSize = 20;
 181         static final CharBuffer[] rInBuffers = new CharBuffer[maxBufSize];
 182         static final CharBuffer[] dInBuffers = new CharBuffer[maxBufSize];
 184         static final ByteBuffer[] rOuBuffers = new ByteBuffer[maxBufSize];
 185         static final ByteBuffer[] dOuBuffers = new ByteBuffer[maxBufSize];
 186         static {
 187             for (int i = 0; i < maxBufSize; i++) {
 188                 rInBuffers[i] = CharBuffer.allocate(i);
 189                 dInBuffers[i] = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(i*2).asCharBuffer();
 190                 rOuBuffers[i] = ByteBuffer.allocate(i);
 191                 dOuBuffers[i] = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(i);
 192             }
 193         }
 195         CharsetTester(Charset cs) {
 196             this.cs = cs;
 197             this.hasBom =
 198                 cs.name().matches(".*BOM.*") ||
 199                 cs.name().equals("UTF-16");
 200         }
 202         static boolean bug(String format, Object... args) {
 203             return reporter.bug(format, args);
 204         }
 206         static boolean hasBom(byte[] a) {
 207             switch (a.length) {
 208             case 2: case 4:
 209                 int sum = 0;
 210                 for (byte x : a)
 211                     sum += x;
 212                 return sum == (byte) 0xfe + (byte) 0xff;
 213             default: return false;
 214             }
 215         }
 217         void testSurrogates() {
 218             int failures = 0;
 219             for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
 220                 Result r = test(new char[] { randomHighSurrogate() });
 221                 if (r == null) break;
 222                 if (! (r.cr.isUnderflow() &&
 223                        r.ipos == 0))
 224                     bug("Lone high surrogate not UNDERFLOW: %s %s",
 225                         cs, r);
 226             }
 227             for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
 228                 Result r = test(new char[] { randomLowSurrogate() });
 229                 if (r == null) break;
 230                 if (! (r.cr.isMalformed() && r.cr.length() == 1))
 231                     bug("Lone low surrogate not MALFORMED[1]: %s %s",
 232                         cs, r);
 233             }
 234             char[] chars = new char[2];
 235             for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
 236                 chars[0] = randomLowSurrogate(); // Always illegal
 237                 chars[1] = randomChar();
 238                 Result r = test(chars);
 239                 if (r == null) break;
 240                 if (! (r.cr.isMalformed() &&
 241                        r.cr.length() == 1 &&
 242                        (r.ipos == 0 || (hasBom && hasBom(r.oa))))) {
 243                     if (failures++ > 5) return;
 244                     bug("Unpaired low surrogate not MALFORMED[1]: %s %s",
 245                         cs, r);
 246                 }
 247             }
 248             for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
 249                 chars[0] = randomHighSurrogate();
 250                 do {
 251                     chars[1] = randomChar();
 252                 } while (Character.isLowSurrogate(chars[1]));
 253                 Result r = test(chars);
 254                 if (r == null) break;
 255                 if (! (r.cr.isMalformed() &&
 256                        r.cr.length() == 1 &&
 257                        (r.ipos == 0 || (hasBom && hasBom(r.oa))))) {
 258                     if (failures++ > 5) return;
 259                     bug("Unpaired high surrogate not MALFORMED[1]: %s %s",
 260                         cs, r);
 261                 }
 262             }
 263             for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
 264                 chars[0] = randomHighSurrogate();
 265                 chars[1] = randomLowSurrogate();
 266                 Result r = test(chars);
 267                 if (r == null) break;
 268                 if (! ((r.cr.isUnmappable() &&
 269                         r.cr.length() == 2 &&
 270                         r.oa.length == 0)
 271                        ||
 272                        (r.cr.isUnderflow() &&
 273                         r.oa.length > 0 &&
 274                         r.ipos == 2))) {
 275                     if (failures++ > 5) return;
 276                     bug("Legal supplementary character bug: %s %s",
 277                         cs, r);
 278                 }
 279             }
 280         }
 282 //              if (! (r.cr.isMalformed() &&
 283 //                     r.cr.length() == 1 &&
 284 //                     (rob.position() == 0 || hasBom(rob)))) {
 285 //                  if (failures++ > 5) return;
 286 //                  bug("Unpaired surrogate not malformed: %s %s",
 287 //                               cs, r);
 288 //              }
 289 //          }
 291 //                  dib.clear(); dib.put(chars); dib.flip();
 292 //                  rib.position(0);
 293 //                  rob.clear(); rob.limit(lim);
 294 //                  for (CharBuffer ib : new CharBuffer[] { rib, dib }) {
 295 //                      Result r = recode(ib, rob);
 296 //                      if (! (r.cr.isMalformed() &&
 297 //                             r.cr.length() == 1 &&
 298 //                             (rob.position() == 0 || hasBom(rob)))) {
 299 //                          if (failures++ > 5) return;
 300 //                          bug("Unpaired surrogate not malformed: %s %s",
 301 //                                       cs, r);
 302 //                      }
 303 //                  }
 304 //                  //}
 305 //              for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
 306 //                  chars[0] = randomHighSurrogate();
 307 //                  chars[1] = randomLowSurrogate();
 308 //                  dib.clear(); dib.put(chars); dib.flip();
 309 //                  rib.position(0);
 310 //                  rob.clear(); rob.limit(lim);
 311 //                  for (CharBuffer ib : new CharBuffer[] { rib, dib }) {
 312 //                      Result r = recode(ib, rob);
 313 //                      if (! ((r.cr.isUnmappable() &&
 314 //                              r.cr.length() == 2 &&
 315 //                              rob.position() == 0)
 316 //                             ||
 317 //                             (r.cr.isUnderflow() &&
 318 //                              rob.position() > 0 &&
 319 //                              ib.position() == 2))) {
 320 //                          if (failures++ > 5) return;
 321 //                          bug("Legal supplementary character bug: %s %s",
 322 //                                       cs, r);
 323 //                      }
 324 //                  }
 325 //              }
 326 //          }
 327 //      }
 329         Result recode(CharBuffer ib, ByteBuffer ob) {
 330             try {
 331                 byte canary = 22;
 332                 ib.clear();     // Prepare to read
 333                 ob.clear();     // Prepare to write
 334                 for (int i = 0; i < ob.limit(); i++)
 335                     ob.put(i, canary);
 336                 CharsetEncoder coder = cs.newEncoder();
 337                 CoderResult cr = coder.encode(ib, ob, false);
 338                 equal(ib.limit(), ib.capacity());
 339                 equal(ob.limit(), ob.capacity());
 340                 Result r = new Result(ib, ob, cr);
 341                 if (cr.isError())
 342                     check(cr.length() > 0);
 343                 if (cr.isOverflow() && ob.remaining() > 10)
 344                     bug("OVERFLOW, but there's lots of room: %s %s",
 345                         cs, r);
 346 //              if (cr.isOverflow() && ib.remaining() == 0 && ! hasBom)
 347 //                  bug("OVERFLOW, yet remaining() == 0: %s %s",
 348 //                      cs, r);
 349                 if (cr.isError() && ib.remaining() < cr.length())
 350                     bug("remaining() < CoderResult.length(): %s %s",
 351                         cs, r);
 352 //              if (ib.position() == 0
 353 //                  && ob.position() > 0
 354 //                  && ! hasBom(r.oa))
 355 //                  bug("output only if input consumed: %s %s",
 356 //                       cs, r);
 357                 CoderResult cr2 = coder.encode(ib, ob, false);
 358                 if (ib.position() != r.ipos ||
 359                     ob.position() != r.oa.length ||
 360                     cr != cr2)
 361                     bug("Coding operation not idempotent: %s%n    %s%n    %s",
 362                         cs, r, new Result(ib, ob, cr2));
 363                 if (ob.position() < ob.limit() &&
 364                     ob.get(ob.position()) != canary)
 365                     bug("Buffer overrun: %s %s %s",
 366                         cs, r, ob.get(ob.position()));
 367                 return r;
 368             } catch (Throwable t) {
 369                 if (bug("Unexpected exception: %s %s %s",
 370                         cs, t.getClass().getSimpleName(),
 371                         new Result(ib, ob, null)))
 372                     t.printStackTrace();
 373                 return null;
 374             }
 375         }
 377         Result recode2(char[] ia, int n) {
 378             int len = ia.length;
 379             CharBuffer rib = CharBuffer.wrap(ia);
 380             CharBuffer dib = dInBuffers[len];
 381             dib.clear(); dib.put(ia); dib.clear();
 382             ByteBuffer rob = rOuBuffers[n];
 383             ByteBuffer dob = dOuBuffers[n];
 384             equal(rob.limit(), n);
 385             equal(dob.limit(), n);
 386             check(dib.isDirect());
 387             check(dob.isDirect());
 388             Result r1 = recode(rib, rob);
 389             Result r2 = recode(dib, dob);
 390             if (r1 != null && r2 != null && ! Result.eq(r1, r2))
 391                 bug("Results differ for direct buffers: %s%n    %s%n    %s",
 392                     cs, r1, r2);
 393             return r1;
 394         }
 396         Result test(char[] ia) {
 397             if (failed - failed0 >= maxCharsetFailures)
 398                 throw new TooManyFailures();
 400             Result roomy = recode2(ia, maxBufSize - 1);
 401             if (roomy == null) return roomy;
 402             int olen = roomy.oa.length;
 403             if (olen > 0) {
 404                 if (roomy.ipos == roomy.ia.length) {
 405                     Result perfectFit = recode2(ia, olen);
 406                     if (! Result.eq(roomy, perfectFit))
 407                         bug("Results differ: %s%n    %s%n    %s",
 408                             cs, roomy, perfectFit);
 409                 }
 410                 for (int i = 0; i < olen; i++) {
 411                     Result claustrophobic = recode2(ia, i);
 412                     if (claustrophobic == null) return roomy;
 413                     if (roomy.cr.isUnderflow() &&
 414                         ! claustrophobic.cr.isOverflow())
 415                         bug("Expected OVERFLOW: %s%n    %s%n    %s",
 416                             cs, roomy, claustrophobic);
 417                 }
 418             }
 419             return roomy;
 420         }
 422         void testExhaustively(char[] prefix, int n) {
 423             int len = prefix.length;
 424             char[] ia = Arrays.copyOf(prefix, len + 1);
 425             for (int i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) {
 426                 ia[len] = (char) i;
 427                 if (n == 1)
 428                     test(ia);
 429                 else
 430                     testExhaustively(ia, n - 1);
 431             }
 432         }
 434         void testRandomly(char[] prefix, int n) {
 435             int len = prefix.length;
 436             char[] ia = Arrays.copyOf(prefix, len + n);
 437             for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
 438                 for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
 439                     ia[len + j] = randomChar();
 440                 test(ia);
 441             }
 442         }
 444         void testPrefix(char[] prefix) {
 445             if (prefix.length > 0)
 446                 System.out.printf("Testing prefix %s%n", string(prefix));
 448             test(prefix);
 450             testExhaustively(prefix, 1);
 451             // Can you spare a year of CPU time?
 452             //testExhaustively(prefix, 2);
 454             testRandomly(prefix, 2);
 455             testRandomly(prefix, 3);
 456         }
 457     }
 459     private final static Random rnd = new Random();
 460     private static char randomChar() {
 461         return (char) rnd.nextInt(Character.MAX_VALUE);
 462     }
 463     private static char randomHighSurrogate() {
 464         return (char) (Character.MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE + rnd.nextInt(1024));
 465     }
 466     private static char randomLowSurrogate() {
 467         return (char) (Character.MIN_LOW_SURROGATE + rnd.nextInt(1024));
 468     }
 470     private static void testCharset(Charset cs) throws Throwable {
 471         if (! cs.canEncode())
 472             return;
 474         final String csn = cs.name();
 476         if (isBroken(csn)) {
 477             System.out.printf("Skipping possibly broken charset %s%n", csn);
 478             return;
 479         }
 480         System.out.println(csn);
 482         CharsetTester tester = new CharsetTester(cs);
 484         tester.testSurrogates();
 486         tester.testPrefix(new char[] {});
 488         if (csn.equals("x-ISCII91")) {
 489             System.out.println("More ISCII testing...");
 490             new CharsetTester(cs).testPrefix(new char[]{'\u094d'}); // Halant
 491             new CharsetTester(cs).testPrefix(new char[]{'\u093c'}); // Nukta
 492         }
 493     }
 495     private static void realMain(String[] args) {
 496         for (Charset cs : sort(Charset.availableCharsets().values())) {
 497             try {
 498                 testCharset(cs);
 499             } catch (TooManyFailures e) {
 500                 System.out.printf("Too many failures for %s%n", cs);
 501             } catch (Throwable t) {
 502                 unexpected(t);
 503             }
 504         }
 505         reporter.summarize();
 506     }
 508     //--------------------- Infrastructure ---------------------------
 509     static volatile long passed = 0, failed = 0;
 510     static void pass() {passed++;}
 511     static void fail() {failed++; Thread.dumpStack();}
 512     static void fail(String format, Object... args) {
 513         System.out.println(String.format(format, args)); failed++;}
 514     static void fail(String msg) {System.out.println(msg); fail();}
 515     static void unexpected(Throwable t) {failed++; t.printStackTrace();}
 516     static void check(boolean cond) {if (cond) pass(); else fail();}
 517     static void equal(Object x, Object y) {
 518         if (x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y)) pass();
 519         else fail(x + " not equal to " + y);}
 520     public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
 521         try {realMain(args);} catch (Throwable t) {unexpected(t);}
 522         System.out.printf("%nPassed = %d, failed = %d%n%n", passed, failed);
 523         if (failed > 0) throw new AssertionError("Some tests failed");}
 524 }