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*** old/src/share/vm/runtime/os.cpp	Fri Jun  5 16:15:25 2015
--- new/src/share/vm/runtime/os.cpp	Fri Jun  5 16:15:25 2015

*** 841,859 **** --- 841,863 ---- st->print(" %s", VM_Version::cpu_features()); st->cr(); pd_print_cpu_info(st); } ! void os::print_date_and_time(outputStream *st, char* buf, size_t buflen) { const int secs_per_day = 86400; const int secs_per_hour = 3600; const int secs_per_min = 60; time_t tloc; (void)time(&tloc); st->print("time: %s", ctime(&tloc)); // ctime adds newline. + struct tm* tz = localtime(&tloc); + ::strftime(buf, buflen, "%Z", tz); + st->print_cr("timezone: %s", buf); + double t = os::elapsedTime(); // NOTE: It tends to crash after a SEGV if we want to printf("%f",...) in // Linux. Must be a bug in glibc ? Workaround is to round "t" to int // before printf. We lost some precision, but who cares? int eltime = (int)t; // elapsed time in seconds

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