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*** 23,10 ***
--- 23,11 ---
+ #include <intrin.h>
  #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  // Note that in MSVC, volatile memory accesses are explicitly
  // guaranteed to have acquire release semantics (w.r.t. compiler
  // reordering) and therefore does not even need a compiler barrier

*** 49,11 ***
  // Performance note: On uniprocessors, the 'lock' prefixes are not
  // necessary (and expensive). We should generate separate cases if
  // this becomes a performance problem.
- #pragma warning(disable: 4035) // Disables warnings reporting missing return statement
  template<size_t byte_size>
  struct Atomic::PlatformAdd {
    template<typename D, typename I>
    D add_and_fetch(D volatile* dest, I add_value, atomic_memory_order order) const;
--- 50,10 ---

*** 62,37 ***
    D fetch_and_add(D volatile* dest, I add_value, atomic_memory_order order) const {
      return add_and_fetch(dest, add_value, order) - add_value;
- #ifdef AMD64
- template<>
- template<typename D, typename I>
- inline D Atomic::PlatformAdd<4>::add_and_fetch(D volatile* dest, I add_value,
-                                                atomic_memory_order order) const {
-   return add_using_helper<int32_t>(os::atomic_add_func, dest, add_value);
- }
! template<>
! template<typename D, typename I>
! inline D Atomic::PlatformAdd<8>::add_and_fetch(D volatile* dest, I add_value,
!                                                atomic_memory_order order) const {
!   return add_using_helper<int64_t>(os::atomic_add_long_func, dest, add_value);
! }
  #define DEFINE_STUB_XCHG(ByteSize, StubType, StubName)                  \
    template<>                                                            \
    template<typename T>                                                  \
    inline T Atomic::PlatformXchg<ByteSize>::operator()(T volatile* dest, \
                                                        T exchange_value, \
                                                        atomic_memory_order order) const { \
      STATIC_ASSERT(ByteSize == sizeof(T));                               \
!     return xchg_using_helper<StubType>(StubName, dest, exchange_value); \
! DEFINE_STUB_XCHG(4, int32_t, os::atomic_xchg_func)
! DEFINE_STUB_XCHG(8, int64_t, os::atomic_xchg_long_func)
  #define DEFINE_STUB_CMPXCHG(ByteSize, StubType, StubName)                  \
    template<>                                                               \
--- 62,42 ---
    D fetch_and_add(D volatile* dest, I add_value, atomic_memory_order order) const {
      return add_and_fetch(dest, add_value, order) - add_value;
! #define DEFINE_STUB_ADD(ByteSize, StubType, StubName)                     \
!   template<>                                                              \
!   template<typename D, typename I>                                        \
!   inline D Atomic::PlatformAdd<ByteSize>::add_and_fetch(D volatile* dest, \
!                                                         I add_value,      \
!                                                         atomic_memory_order order) const { \
+     STATIC_ASSERT(ByteSize == sizeof(D));                                 \
+     return PrimitiveConversions::cast<D>(                                 \
+       StubName(reinterpret_cast<StubType volatile *>(dest),               \
+                PrimitiveConversions::cast<StubType>(add_value)));         \
+   }
+ DEFINE_STUB_ADD(4, long,    InterlockedAdd)
+ DEFINE_STUB_ADD(8, __int64, InterlockedAdd64)
  #define DEFINE_STUB_XCHG(ByteSize, StubType, StubName)                  \
    template<>                                                            \
    template<typename T>                                                  \
    inline T Atomic::PlatformXchg<ByteSize>::operator()(T volatile* dest, \
                                                        T exchange_value, \
                                                        atomic_memory_order order) const { \
      STATIC_ASSERT(ByteSize == sizeof(T));                               \
!     return PrimitiveConversions::cast<T>(                               \
+       StubName(reinterpret_cast<StubType volatile *>(dest),             \
+                PrimitiveConversions::cast<StubType>(exchange_value)));  \
! DEFINE_STUB_XCHG(4, long,    InterlockedExchange)
! DEFINE_STUB_XCHG(8, __int64, InterlockedExchange64)
  #define DEFINE_STUB_CMPXCHG(ByteSize, StubType, StubName)                  \
    template<>                                                               \

*** 100,106 ***
    inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<ByteSize>::operator()(T volatile* dest, \
                                                           T compare_value,  \
                                                           T exchange_value, \
                                                           atomic_memory_order order) const { \
      STATIC_ASSERT(ByteSize == sizeof(T));                                  \
!     return cmpxchg_using_helper<StubType>(StubName, dest, compare_value, exchange_value); \
! DEFINE_STUB_CMPXCHG(1, int8_t,  os::atomic_cmpxchg_byte_func)
! DEFINE_STUB_CMPXCHG(4, int32_t, os::atomic_cmpxchg_func)
! DEFINE_STUB_CMPXCHG(8, int64_t, os::atomic_cmpxchg_long_func)
- #else // !AMD64
! template<>
- template<typename D, typename I>
- inline D Atomic::PlatformAdd<4>::add_and_fetch(D volatile* dest, I add_value,
-                                                atomic_memory_order order) const {
-   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(I));
-   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(D));
-   __asm {
-     mov edx, dest;
-     mov eax, add_value;
-     mov ecx, eax;
-     lock xadd dword ptr [edx], eax;
-     add eax, ecx;
-   }
- }
- template<>
- template<typename T>
- inline T Atomic::PlatformXchg<4>::operator()(T volatile* dest,
-                                              T exchange_value,
-                                              atomic_memory_order order) const {
-   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(T));
-   // alternative for InterlockedExchange
-   __asm {
-     mov eax, exchange_value;
-     mov ecx, dest;
-     xchg eax, dword ptr [ecx];
-   }
- }
- template<>
- template<typename T>
- inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<1>::operator()(T volatile* dest,
-                                                 T compare_value,
-                                                 T exchange_value,
-                                                 atomic_memory_order order) const {
-   STATIC_ASSERT(1 == sizeof(T));
-   // alternative for InterlockedCompareExchange
-   __asm {
-     mov edx, dest
-     mov cl, exchange_value
-     mov al, compare_value
-     lock cmpxchg byte ptr [edx], cl
-   }
- }
- template<>
- template<typename T>
- inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<4>::operator()(T volatile* dest,
-                                                 T compare_value,
-                                                 T exchange_value,
-                                                 atomic_memory_order order) const {
-   STATIC_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(T));
-   // alternative for InterlockedCompareExchange
-   __asm {
-     mov edx, dest
-     mov ecx, exchange_value
-     mov eax, compare_value
-     lock cmpxchg dword ptr [edx], ecx
-   }
- }
! template<>
- template<typename T>
- inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<8>::operator()(T volatile* dest,
-                                                 T compare_value,
-                                                 T exchange_value,
-                                                 atomic_memory_order order) const {
-   STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
-   int32_t ex_lo  = (int32_t)exchange_value;
-   int32_t ex_hi  = *( ((int32_t*)&exchange_value) + 1 );
-   int32_t cmp_lo = (int32_t)compare_value;
-   int32_t cmp_hi = *( ((int32_t*)&compare_value) + 1 );
-   __asm {
-     push ebx
-     push edi
-     mov eax, cmp_lo
-     mov edx, cmp_hi
-     mov edi, dest
-     mov ebx, ex_lo
-     mov ecx, ex_hi
-     lock cmpxchg8b qword ptr [edi]
-     pop edi
-     pop ebx
-   }
- }
  template<typename T>
  inline T Atomic::PlatformLoad<8>::operator()(T const volatile* src) const {
    STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));
--- 105,26 ---
    inline T Atomic::PlatformCmpxchg<ByteSize>::operator()(T volatile* dest, \
                                                           T compare_value,  \
                                                           T exchange_value, \
                                                           atomic_memory_order order) const { \
      STATIC_ASSERT(ByteSize == sizeof(T));                                  \
!     return PrimitiveConversions::cast<T>(                                  \
+       StubName(reinterpret_cast<StubType volatile *>(dest),                \
+                PrimitiveConversions::cast<StubType>(exchange_value),       \
+                PrimitiveConversions::cast<StubType>(compare_value)));      \
! DEFINE_STUB_CMPXCHG(1, char,    _InterlockedCompareExchange8) // Use the intrinsic as InterlockedCompareExchange8 does not exist
! DEFINE_STUB_CMPXCHG(4, long,    InterlockedCompareExchange)
! DEFINE_STUB_CMPXCHG(8, __int64, InterlockedCompareExchange64)
! #ifndef AMD64
! #pragma warning(disable: 4035) // Disables warnings reporting missing return statement
  template<typename T>
  inline T Atomic::PlatformLoad<8>::operator()(T const volatile* src) const {
    STATIC_ASSERT(8 == sizeof(T));

*** 226,15 ***
      mov eax, dest
      fistp    qword ptr [eax]
- #endif // AMD64
  #pragma warning(default: 4035) // Enables warnings reporting missing return statement
- #ifndef AMD64
  struct Atomic::PlatformOrderedStore<1, RELEASE_X_FENCE>
    template <typename T>
    void operator()(volatile T* p, T v) const {
--- 151,12 ---
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