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*** 299,308 **** --- 299,310 ---- "uniform vec3 src_adj;" "uniform sampler2D glyph_tex;" "uniform sampler2D dst_tex;" "uniform sampler3D invgamma_tex;" "uniform sampler3D gamma_tex;" + "uniform vec3 gamma;" + "uniform vec3 invgamma;" "" "void main(void)" "{" // load the RGB value from the glyph image at the current texcoord " vec3 glyph_clr = vec3(texture2D(glyph_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st));"
*** 311,325 **** " discard;" " }" // load the RGB value from the corresponding destination pixel " vec3 dst_clr = vec3(texture2D(dst_tex, gl_TexCoord[1].st));" // gamma adjust the dest color using the invgamma LUT ! " vec3 dst_adj = vec3(texture3D(invgamma_tex, dst_clr.stp));" // linearly interpolate the three color values " vec3 result = mix(dst_adj, src_adj, glyph_clr);" // gamma re-adjust the resulting color (alpha is always set to 1.0) ! " gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(texture3D(gamma_tex, result.stp)), 1.0);" "}"; /** * Compiles and links the LCD text shader program. If successful, this * function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise --- 313,327 ---- " discard;" " }" // load the RGB value from the corresponding destination pixel " vec3 dst_clr = vec3(texture2D(dst_tex, gl_TexCoord[1].st));" // gamma adjust the dest color using the invgamma LUT ! " vec3 dst_adj = pow(dst_clr.rgb, invgamma);" // linearly interpolate the three color values " vec3 result = mix(dst_adj, src_adj, glyph_clr);" // gamma re-adjust the resulting color (alpha is always set to 1.0) ! " gl_FragColor = vec4(pow(result.rgb, gamma), 1.0);" "}"; /** * Compiles and links the LCD text shader program. If successful, this * function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise
*** 420,433 **** --- 422,442 ---- GLfloat lut[LUT_EDGE][LUT_EDGE][LUT_EDGE][3]; GLfloat invlut[LUT_EDGE][LUT_EDGE][LUT_EDGE][3]; int min = 0; int max = LUT_EDGE - 1; int x, y, z; + GLint loc; J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO, "OGLTR_UpdateLCDTextContrast: contrast=%d", contrast); + loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(lcdTextProgram, "gamma"); + j2d_glUniform3fARB(loc, g, g, g); + + loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(lcdTextProgram, "invgamma"); + j2d_glUniform3fARB(loc, ig, ig, ig); + for (z = min; z <= max; z++) { double zval = ((double)z) / max; GLfloat gz = (GLfloat)pow(zval, g); GLfloat igz = (GLfloat)pow(zval, ig);
*** 476,486 **** * shader as needed. */ static jboolean OGLTR_UpdateLCDTextColor(jint contrast) { ! double gamma = ((double)contrast) / 100.0; GLfloat radj, gadj, badj; GLfloat clr[4]; GLint loc; J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO, --- 485,495 ---- * shader as needed. */ static jboolean OGLTR_UpdateLCDTextColor(jint contrast) { ! double invgamma = ((double)contrast) / 100; GLfloat radj, gadj, badj; GLfloat clr[4]; GLint loc; J2dTraceLn1(J2D_TRACE_INFO,
*** 497,509 **** // get the current OpenGL primary color state j2d_glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, clr); // gamma adjust the primary color ! radj = (GLfloat)pow(clr[0], gamma); ! gadj = (GLfloat)pow(clr[1], gamma); ! badj = (GLfloat)pow(clr[2], gamma); // update the "src_adj" parameter of the shader program with this value loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(lcdTextProgram, "src_adj"); j2d_glUniform3fARB(loc, radj, gadj, badj); --- 506,518 ---- // get the current OpenGL primary color state j2d_glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, clr); // gamma adjust the primary color ! radj = (GLfloat)pow(clr[0], invgamma); ! gadj = (GLfloat)pow(clr[1], invgamma); ! badj = (GLfloat)pow(clr[2], invgamma); // update the "src_adj" parameter of the shader program with this value loc = j2d_glGetUniformLocationARB(lcdTextProgram, "src_adj"); j2d_glUniform3fARB(loc, radj, gadj, badj);
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