Module java.base

Interface AttributedElement

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClassModelPREVIEW, CodeAttributePREVIEW, CodeModelPREVIEW, FieldModelPREVIEW, MethodModelPREVIEW, RecordComponentInfoPREVIEW

public sealed interface AttributedElement extends ClassFileElementPREVIEW permits ClassModelPREVIEW, CodeModelPREVIEW, FieldModelPREVIEW, MethodModelPREVIEW, RecordComponentInfoPREVIEW (not exhaustive)
AttributedElement is a preview API of the Java platform.
Programs can only use AttributedElement when preview features are enabled.
Preview features may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent features of the Java platform.
A ClassFileElementPREVIEW describing an entity that has attributes, such as a class, field, method, code attribute, or record component.
Sealed Class Hierarchy Graph:
Sealed class hierarchy graph for AttributedElementSealed class hierarchy graph for AttributedElement