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rev 13969 : 8245468: Add TLSv1.3 implementation classes from 11.0.7
rev 13970 : 8245469: Remove DTLS protocol implementation

*** 30,40 **** import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException; /** ! * Interface for SSL/(D)TLS transportation. */ interface SSLTransport { /** * Returns the host name of the peer. --- 30,40 ---- import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException; /** ! * Interface for SSL/TLS transportation. */ interface SSLTransport { /** * Returns the host name of the peer.
*** 65,75 **** * @return true if delegated tasks used for handshaking operations. */ boolean useDelegatedTask(); /** ! * Decodes an array of SSL/(D)TLS network source data into the * destination application data buffers. * * For SSL/TLS connections, if no source data, the network data may be * received from the underlying underlying SSL/TLS input stream. * --- 65,75 ---- * @return true if delegated tasks used for handshaking operations. */ boolean useDelegatedTask(); /** ! * Decodes an array of SSL/TLS network source data into the * destination application data buffers. * * For SSL/TLS connections, if no source data, the network data may be * received from the underlying underlying SSL/TLS input stream. *
*** 106,121 **** try { plaintexts = context.inputRecord.decode(srcs, srcsOffset, srcsLength); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException unsoe) { // SSLv2Hello // Hack code to deliver SSLv2 error message for SSL/TLS connections. - if (!context.sslContext.isDTLS()) { context.outputRecord.encodeV2NoCipher(); if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.finest("may be talking to SSLv2"); } - } throw context.fatal(Alert.UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE, unsoe); } catch (BadPaddingException bpe) { /* * The basic SSLv3 record protection involves (optional) --- 106,119 ----
*** 143,167 **** } Plaintext finalPlaintext = Plaintext.PLAINTEXT_NULL; for (Plaintext plainText : plaintexts) { // plainText should never be null for TLS protocols ! if (plainText == Plaintext.PLAINTEXT_NULL) { ! // Only happens for DTLS protocols. ! // ! // Received a retransmitted flight, and need to retransmit the ! // previous delivered handshake flight messages. ! if (context.handshakeContext != null && ! context.handshakeContext.sslConfig.enableRetransmissions && ! context.sslContext.isDTLS()) { ! if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,verbose")) { ! SSLLogger.finest("retransmited handshake flight"); ! } ! ! context.outputRecord.launchRetransmission(); ! } // Otherwise, discard the retransmitted flight. ! } else if (plainText != null && plainText.contentType != ContentType.APPLICATION_DATA.id) { context.dispatch(plainText); } if (plainText == null) { --- 141,152 ---- } Plaintext finalPlaintext = Plaintext.PLAINTEXT_NULL; for (Plaintext plainText : plaintexts) { // plainText should never be null for TLS protocols ! if (plainText != null && ! plainText != Plaintext.PLAINTEXT_NULL && plainText.contentType != ContentType.APPLICATION_DATA.id) { context.dispatch(plainText); } if (plainText == null) {
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